1. Thou Shalt Admit That God Put You in Your family.
There are no accidents in God. God can help you adjust to the idea of a step-brother or step-sister. If God had wanted you to be a part of another family, you would have been part.
2. Thou Shalt Admit That God Is Smarter Than You.
Life would sure be sweeter if you cooperated with God's way of doing things.God often use siblings to expose junk in your own life. Your reactions to their comments and actions reveals a lot.
3. Thou Shalt Realize That The World Does Not Revolve Around You.
Newsflash!!!There are other people that live and grew up in the same house. Clean up your own mess. Turn the TV down when others are asleep. Your family's destiny is not to make you perfect or king or queen. Yes, you are a part of the family..
but just a part.
4. Thou Shalt Respect Others Privacy and Possessions.
Try a little harder to return all things that you borrowed quickly. And try to ask before you take it nest time.OK Privacy is sacred to siblings. Stay out of their room and stuff just because they asked.
5. Thou Shalt Not Use Words That Wound.
Nothing stabs a siblings friendship like put downs , and cruel comments. Think about this please do not cause harm. Parents should have zero tolerance for this..On the other hands do not get your feelings hurt so easily. Do not berate siblings in front of others.(Stop) Siblings need to lighten up or toughen up.
6. Thou Shalt Be Committed and Glad For Their Success.
Your siblings have secret dreams for their life.Do you care? They need people to believe in them especially family. Do not tell them what they did wrong. Tell them what they did right and what you really like about them. Your opinion will always tower over everyone else, just because you are family.
7. Thou Shalt Treat Them Like Company.
Well, not exactly. But, siblings can get way too familiar with each other. When company walks into your house you say "hi". You do not act like they slept with you all night. When you are making sandwich you offer to make them one ,too. It is kind kindness,
8. Thou Shalt Celebrate Your Siblings Talent.
You were born an original, so don't try to be a copy. Try not to compete with each other. There is room in God's family(yours also) for everyone to be good at something. Your need to be the first and the best, should not be at the expense of others.
9. Thou Shalt Verbalize Your Admiration.
This takes practice but say it: " I am glad you are my sister or brother." "Your backstroke looks great." You sure know how to work with clothing, you have such good taste." L really admire you.: "Today is the big day..go for it." "You always say the right thing to make be OK." and yes, even I love and adore you."
10. Thou Shalt Honor God by Loving Your Siblings.
Here's the bottom line. Do you love God? Make it work at home or with your family. You will discover in time your brother or sister might just become your best friend.
CELEBRATE SIBLINGS!!!!!!!! A Celebration of who God made you and your siblings.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Kicking down religious and sacred cows!
There is a diference between religious traditions and what the word of God says. Many hold tight to things about religion that are traditions. First of all let me explain what religion is: the repeat of things that are valued in a family,culture or duty. I can wash my car religiously. People do not relize that religion is a form of rituals. There is a great difference between religion and chistianity. Christianity is living the life of Jesus, Christ dominion living is the way all that love Jesus should live. Many think that Christ is Jesus last name. Let me correct you and tell you the truth that Jesus of Nazerene is His name. During that time period and culture still today used: a person is given a name and called the place they were boren. Jesus was born in Nazenrene. So your name would be Thea from Texas.(get the picture) Christ is also not His last name. Christ means anointing, the powere to ease through, or slip through. Thsi is why He is called the Christ: He is known as Jesus the anointed one.
When we do not know we can continue incorrectly,let your eyes be opened through the word of God. Study it..ask for the inspiration to understand it.
This will in some ways take you out of bundage and free you to serve Jesus as you were designed to serve Him. Know that His ways are easy.
1. Soem way that you must work and work hard to receive salvation..untrue..according to Romans 10:9-8 all that is required is to ask and speak out of your heart that He is Lord of your life..Repent : turn from doing things your way. Admit: admit that you are a sinner (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) You must open your mouth and ask...No silent prayer here (unscriptual)
2. Many believe that God is mad and them and they have went to far. Know that John 2:16 states that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for you
3, You may feel you are not worth it or others may tell you that you sinned to much. John 3:17 God did not send His Son to condemn the world but that you may have salvation, the right to the tree of life
4. God does not save anymore. false Ephesiands 6:8-9 states that For it by grace you have been saved by faith,and this is not of yourself but the gift of God,not by works,unless you can boast
5. Money is the root of all evil..the scipture states the love of money is the root of evil (in other words what will you do to get it:steal,borrow and not pay back,sell drugs,rob, give your body away for money,,hust what is your limit. 1Timothy 6:10
6. Rich men can not go to heaven..has the money got your heart.(bailout executives)..You can have money but have money with a mission..What will you do with it.**money enlarges the character of a person(for example if you are foolish, then you are just a fool with money..if a crack you, you will just have more money to buy larger quantity of crack and for friends too, if you are a wine o ,you will buy expensive wine for you and your gang Matthew 19:24-26
7. If you wear pants then you are going to hell. God looks at the heart of man. You can have on a long skirt and your heart may be dark and corrupted..
8. Women should be quiet in church and not speak. If you study the scripture history you will find that men and women sat in different areas. The women would have the children and many times they were yelling to the other side talking to their husband and the men. ICorinthians 14:34,Galations 3:26-29
10. Women have no place in ministry. You should tell Deborah, Mary Magdelene, Aquila and others that they should not have any part in the ministry. Did you know that there are many types of ministry.(all are not in the pulpit) What is your calling?
Judges 4-5.Acts 9:36
11. The Lord supper should only be taken in church. ##Now with this one you must be a believer do not play.** The scriptual says as often as you think of Him do this in remembrance. This will protect your family and it is to agree with what God alreday says.I Corinthians 11:17-34
12. Spare the rod spoil the child>>We are not talking about all this child abuse. Many times it is necessary to tell what the guidelines for your home is..The problem is parents do not want to be an example. For example why is your child violent: you allow them to play violent games and watch violent TV, lets not forget the music you allow your children to listen to. I once heard a 2 years old talking about your baby's daddy.(surreal) Proverbs 15-14
13. That you should let your husband do you any kind of way and take it. The bible tells the husband to love their wife. Could it be that a spouse really do not know how to love.This can also apply to women ,,Be a Proverbs 31 woman in attitude and work. Ephesians 5:25
14. The belief that God is controlling all things. He said when you ask you shall receive. God is not in control of the worlds evilness, they are being lead by twisted thinking. I know that God did not tell anyone to murder or commit adultery..It is because of the evilness in our hearts. God has to have permission to be in control of your life. Have you gave him permission. If not tell Him to be Lord over my life.Many disobey Gods word and then want Him to be a genie in a bottle.Chronicles (if my people who are called...)
15. God gave you the sickness to teach a lesson. This is ludicrous thinking why would God have to kill you or put sickness on you to teach a lesson. We know that sickness and disease come from different factors(hereditary,the way we eat and how we treat our body. We must also mention accidents..John 10:10-11
16, God will make you do things. He will never make you do anything. He wants and commands you to obey His word. When we refuse to obey His way of doing things then we allow negative things to happen in our life.
17. God will tell you what to think. This is contrary to the way God does things He tells us to study ourselves(2Timothy 2:15) Yes you can hear the word but how do you know it is the truth if you do not read it yourself. The bible is unlike the news stories that you hear. The word will support itself..look up the situation.
18. God does not want you to go to the doctor. Tell me why was Luke a doctor. It is good to go to the doctor. The word stated that my people perish for the lack of knowledge. If you do not know then you do not know what to do. Even with the doctors report ,look up healing scripture and apply them and we must change our habits of eating. Eat well.(the woman with the issue of blood in gospels Mark and dr Luke
19.. The speaking in tongues is not for today. God says He does not change. Have you ever seen the devil give you something good and that glorifies God. I can tell you that I tried to believe that a time in my life and did not receive anything good. I found out that God's benefits were the best. He never gives up on me and hurts me. Acts 3:3-8 God is the same yesterday and today
20. Have you ever heard that the old testament is not needed today and Jesus is not in there. Let me tell you that before you know where you are going, history is beneficial. The old testament is the history of man. Genesis is spoken of from Genesis to Revelation. In the old testament it tells of his coming, the new testament tells that He is here. You don't have to use rituals anymore. Jesus conquered the grave. He even told you how to get to the Father. He said use my name.(If someone gives you a credit card and tells you to buy what ever you want and sign their name) They are giving you the authority and permission to be entitled to whatever you want to buy. This is wonderful because Jesus told me to use His name and what ever I ask according to His will that I can believe and receive when I pray. You can not get any better than that.Isaiah 55,Micah 5:1-2 Daniel 9:24-26
21. Jesus is poor. Many teach and preach that Jesus was poor and had nowhere to live. If He was poor why did He have a treasury? and He always sent His disciples to make arrangements in next town.He even invited others to come see where He lived. When He was crucified they cast lots for His expensive clothing. Judas was the treasurer.
22. Holiness is a dress code. People it is a lifestyle.(The bible says be ye holy,for I am holy) does this sound like clothing..
Now if you disagree with me on any of the subject mention then take to the scripture and disagree with God. I did not invent these questions or answers. I have to live out loud and love you. Hit me up on questions to the left. These are a few religious things to forget. Sometimes you have to start thinking like Him to be free. He always tell us that His thoughts are not ours. We are so out of line sometimes. Just get in line with Gods word
**It is amazing the people that ask can we smoke or is it a sin? I show you better than I can say to you? Look on the side of the box of cigarettes the Surgeon general warms you of the harm that smoking will do to you. Now remember you trust man more that God. He is admitting that something is in those smoking pieces that cause cancer. Not only smoking but stop consuming things that are not good for your body. It is not important to believe me, the most important decision you will make is to believe God. He is God and I nor you are not. He is not intimidated by your not liking what the bible says. It stands for itself.
When we do not know we can continue incorrectly,let your eyes be opened through the word of God. Study it..ask for the inspiration to understand it.
This will in some ways take you out of bundage and free you to serve Jesus as you were designed to serve Him. Know that His ways are easy.
1. Soem way that you must work and work hard to receive salvation..untrue..according to Romans 10:9-8 all that is required is to ask and speak out of your heart that He is Lord of your life..Repent : turn from doing things your way. Admit: admit that you are a sinner (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) You must open your mouth and ask...No silent prayer here (unscriptual)
2. Many believe that God is mad and them and they have went to far. Know that John 2:16 states that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for you
3, You may feel you are not worth it or others may tell you that you sinned to much. John 3:17 God did not send His Son to condemn the world but that you may have salvation, the right to the tree of life
4. God does not save anymore. false Ephesiands 6:8-9 states that For it by grace you have been saved by faith,and this is not of yourself but the gift of God,not by works,unless you can boast
5. Money is the root of all evil..the scipture states the love of money is the root of evil (in other words what will you do to get it:steal,borrow and not pay back,sell drugs,rob, give your body away for money,,hust what is your limit. 1Timothy 6:10
6. Rich men can not go to heaven..has the money got your heart.(bailout executives)..You can have money but have money with a mission..What will you do with it.**money enlarges the character of a person(for example if you are foolish, then you are just a fool with money..if a crack you, you will just have more money to buy larger quantity of crack and for friends too, if you are a wine o ,you will buy expensive wine for you and your gang Matthew 19:24-26
7. If you wear pants then you are going to hell. God looks at the heart of man. You can have on a long skirt and your heart may be dark and corrupted..
8. Women should be quiet in church and not speak. If you study the scripture history you will find that men and women sat in different areas. The women would have the children and many times they were yelling to the other side talking to their husband and the men. ICorinthians 14:34,Galations 3:26-29
10. Women have no place in ministry. You should tell Deborah, Mary Magdelene, Aquila and others that they should not have any part in the ministry. Did you know that there are many types of ministry.(all are not in the pulpit) What is your calling?
Judges 4-5.Acts 9:36
11. The Lord supper should only be taken in church. ##Now with this one you must be a believer do not play.** The scriptual says as often as you think of Him do this in remembrance. This will protect your family and it is to agree with what God alreday says.I Corinthians 11:17-34
12. Spare the rod spoil the child>>We are not talking about all this child abuse. Many times it is necessary to tell what the guidelines for your home is..The problem is parents do not want to be an example. For example why is your child violent: you allow them to play violent games and watch violent TV, lets not forget the music you allow your children to listen to. I once heard a 2 years old talking about your baby's daddy.(surreal) Proverbs 15-14
13. That you should let your husband do you any kind of way and take it. The bible tells the husband to love their wife. Could it be that a spouse really do not know how to love.This can also apply to women ,,Be a Proverbs 31 woman in attitude and work. Ephesians 5:25
14. The belief that God is controlling all things. He said when you ask you shall receive. God is not in control of the worlds evilness, they are being lead by twisted thinking. I know that God did not tell anyone to murder or commit adultery..It is because of the evilness in our hearts. God has to have permission to be in control of your life. Have you gave him permission. If not tell Him to be Lord over my life.Many disobey Gods word and then want Him to be a genie in a bottle.Chronicles (if my people who are called...)
15. God gave you the sickness to teach a lesson. This is ludicrous thinking why would God have to kill you or put sickness on you to teach a lesson. We know that sickness and disease come from different factors(hereditary,the way we eat and how we treat our body. We must also mention accidents..John 10:10-11
16, God will make you do things. He will never make you do anything. He wants and commands you to obey His word. When we refuse to obey His way of doing things then we allow negative things to happen in our life.
17. God will tell you what to think. This is contrary to the way God does things He tells us to study ourselves(2Timothy 2:15) Yes you can hear the word but how do you know it is the truth if you do not read it yourself. The bible is unlike the news stories that you hear. The word will support itself..look up the situation.
18. God does not want you to go to the doctor. Tell me why was Luke a doctor. It is good to go to the doctor. The word stated that my people perish for the lack of knowledge. If you do not know then you do not know what to do. Even with the doctors report ,look up healing scripture and apply them and we must change our habits of eating. Eat well.(the woman with the issue of blood in gospels Mark and dr Luke
19.. The speaking in tongues is not for today. God says He does not change. Have you ever seen the devil give you something good and that glorifies God. I can tell you that I tried to believe that a time in my life and did not receive anything good. I found out that God's benefits were the best. He never gives up on me and hurts me. Acts 3:3-8 God is the same yesterday and today
20. Have you ever heard that the old testament is not needed today and Jesus is not in there. Let me tell you that before you know where you are going, history is beneficial. The old testament is the history of man. Genesis is spoken of from Genesis to Revelation. In the old testament it tells of his coming, the new testament tells that He is here. You don't have to use rituals anymore. Jesus conquered the grave. He even told you how to get to the Father. He said use my name.(If someone gives you a credit card and tells you to buy what ever you want and sign their name) They are giving you the authority and permission to be entitled to whatever you want to buy. This is wonderful because Jesus told me to use His name and what ever I ask according to His will that I can believe and receive when I pray. You can not get any better than that.Isaiah 55,Micah 5:1-2 Daniel 9:24-26
21. Jesus is poor. Many teach and preach that Jesus was poor and had nowhere to live. If He was poor why did He have a treasury? and He always sent His disciples to make arrangements in next town.He even invited others to come see where He lived. When He was crucified they cast lots for His expensive clothing. Judas was the treasurer.
22. Holiness is a dress code. People it is a lifestyle.(The bible says be ye holy,for I am holy) does this sound like clothing..
Now if you disagree with me on any of the subject mention then take to the scripture and disagree with God. I did not invent these questions or answers. I have to live out loud and love you. Hit me up on questions to the left. These are a few religious things to forget. Sometimes you have to start thinking like Him to be free. He always tell us that His thoughts are not ours. We are so out of line sometimes. Just get in line with Gods word
**It is amazing the people that ask can we smoke or is it a sin? I show you better than I can say to you? Look on the side of the box of cigarettes the Surgeon general warms you of the harm that smoking will do to you. Now remember you trust man more that God. He is admitting that something is in those smoking pieces that cause cancer. Not only smoking but stop consuming things that are not good for your body. It is not important to believe me, the most important decision you will make is to believe God. He is God and I nor you are not. He is not intimidated by your not liking what the bible says. It stands for itself.
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