Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Take an aha moment!

Have you ever had a moment where you felt like having a moment of just thinking about the good things God has done for you...Well I am having that moment right now...Just thinking about the many wonderful things God has done because He promised these things in His word. If you do not know the word then you are missing out on many promises that are yours...But of course you can not have these promises and God is not obligated to give them to you if you are not a believer...God is so merciful that sometimes God does things because He wants to regardless of who you are...Aha He can do that! God is just like that. Just when you think you have figured Him out He does something to make you say aha.

How can you know that He will do what He promises? Read the word and remind Him of His word...He healed my body ,by his stripes i am healed...He protected me.....Lightning struck and with long life shall He satisfy me. He is also my friend..How about you? I can tell Him anything because He loves me so..if He says it shall He not do it. Whom can I trust? Who is my shepherd and I shall not live in lack? Heaven made provisions for this country....If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and turn from their own ways , then I will hear and heal the land...He is only talking to His people...If you are not His people then He is not even intimidated by the one that you serve(people,idols,job,money,things,other religions)He has no inferiority complex. He knows that He is God and we are not. Aha Moment here ,,,thank God that He is God and I am not because I can not handle all the issues going on in life and do things my way because I mess up sometimes...and I do not want to take responsibility for everything. We all make choices and have to live with them rather good,bad or ugly...Aha if I could not run to God I would be jacked up...Just a small aha moment...take the time to have your own aha moment with God...He listens...Keep living out loud.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Under construction

Hello readers...I am on a short vacation while God is keeping me and has me under construction...This happens since I am the personal property of manufacturer and give Him permission to work on me, ..The manufacture has a right to mold,change restyle,talk to me and anything He wants to do...I totally surrender to Him...And when He revamps me this time He will continue to see faith working in me...nothing missing nothing broken......Testimony: Last week in Houston there was a great lightning storm and I got struck by lighting and lived to rejoice about it...I am so grateful and thankful that I continue to confess His word with long life shall He satisfy me...I shall live and not die to declare the works of the Lord.So readers take nothing lightly about your life we live moment to moment...His grace is sufficient for me..I tell you just to think about the lightning striking me is a miracle that I shall never forget and praises shall come out of my mouth continually .Love you...Have a blessed day every day...and Remember to keep living out loud....I do......

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Can We Talk!

A challenge for my readers...A 21 day fast from wrong thinking...Check out the word in the bible or internet...Think on things that are good...Fast from wrong people...You know the wrong people in your life that leave you drained...and sometimes thinking why are they around me....Fast within the time period from being selfish or doing selfish things...Who is up for the challenge? Suggestion if you are in an abusive situation take a break and think about why am I in this? Take a leap of faith fast from wrong thinking, situation and wrong people or decisions.? Can you dig it? Remember you are love and appreciated..I would like to hear from you on how the challenge changed your life.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Its' a rewrite !!! It's a rewrite !!

Are you walking by faith or are you thinking that God is a genie in a bottle? Let us talk about faith. One way of judging if you are walking by faith is : Is it working for you. Is life what you imagined it will be...Are you winning in every area of life? If not then you are simply hoping and praying amist. What do you do when you think you have done everything and it still not working...This is to show you and hopefully encourage you to live God's way and operate in faith....but of course your motives must be godly...Love must be a way of life for you. Walk in Love...Moving on and forgiving is a must if you want results when you ask and pray.

First of all we must pray and ask according to the will of God...How do we find out His will for our lives and what we want and desire...You have to know that God wants you to have the best and to live life enjoying every minute...No, it is not a fantasy. Crisis will make or break you...You will either learn from life or life will beat you. What are you going to do to live the best life ever that God wants for you.

We must live this life by walking in faith...What is faith? Glad you asked faith is living Gods way through His word (Bible) Everything you need is in the bible and knowing "How to" is a must...The scripture tells us how to become a child of God...Ask,repent and believe. Confess with your mouth that you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior... You must denounce any other thing that takes you away from a quality decision of accepting God(gangs,false doctrine and religions)

The second step is knowing that God has a plan for your life Jeremiah 29:11 has His plan for your life and it is not to harm you. Who harms you? The evil one comes to kill,steal and destroy. I would like to ask you do you enjoy playing games? If so then you can understand that the evil one has a plan that you not receive Gods best...How does he do that? He corrupts your life and destroys families, destroy minds and destroys bodies...His goal is that you never trust or love God because he is very jealous of you...Why is he jealous? He wants you to worship him. Why does he want you to worship him? To go against God and His plan for mankind. He had his chance in heaven when he was anointed to sing and was must beautiful angel(yes he was and is a fallen angel). He knows that he is forever separated from Goad and will live for eternity in a place that was made for him and his crew. He wants you to miss out living eternally with God. He wants to lie to you and confuse you about God. He does not want you to know the truth about salvation and how you are the apple of God's eyes. What happened? Pride. He wanted God to worship him and take over God's kingdom. The truth is quicker than light he was kicked out of heaven into darkness.

Read the beginning Genesis chapter 1. The earth was in chaos and darkness. God said let there be light...God spoke and that is why we must speak words. We were created in the image of God and speak like He speaks...The difference is we speak things into our lives that were never intended to be part of our life. What...negative confessions...idle words( I will kill myself if I do not get that dress) Will you really? Why say it. Words are powerful: say I will live and not die to declare the works of the Lord..with long life will He satisfy me.(Psalms 91) This is where faith comes in we must speak what He says about our lives and situations. The just shall live by faith.(Habakkuk 2:4) Who are the just? We were bought with a price which Jesus paid with His death and blood. You are the just if you are a believer...

We must do it Gods way and believe. Mark 11:23-24 states if we ask anything and say and believe when we pray, we shall have it...Notice you have to pray first and ask then you say what God says about the situation. For example if you are single and want a husband ask God for a good husband and make sure that they are working, you must go to the scripture and look under marriage and then say what God says about it. Now it is not the will of God to give you gift that are ungodly.(like someone else husband) the devil is a lie. If you are having health problems then look up healing...The words says that you should put His word in your eyes and speak from lips. This is walking by faith ...saying what God says and you agreeing.

After you have prayed, you have sort out what the word said about situation or circumstance, then it is time to write the vision or confession down...Write a confession of praise and what the word says about your situation. Then you must thank Him for the manifestation of what you have asked and confess daily. Make sure that it is according to the will of God and His godliness. Do not speak doubt. You have what you say. If you mess up and speak doubt or opposite of what Gods says then repent ...Get back on course with faith confession. You must ask all things in the name of Jesus.Faith is now. Believe that you receive. A doubting man gets nothing from God..he is unstable in his ways and thinking..(wrong thinking, not Gods way)

Why do we not attempt to do it Gods way, you have tried it your way and it is not working....So what is the problem in doing it God's way...Are you scared? Fear and faith can not work together. Fear is the false evidence of things that appear real... It is a lie. Go to the word and look up fear and say what God says. Cast fear out...God is not fear God is love...In fact love cast out fear. Do not be afraid to live and receive Gods best? Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't, then change your thinking...this is stinky thinking.

What is the deal? Are you so selfish that you would deny Gods best for your life? What does selfishness get you.. absolutely nothing because you are always wanting more and never satisfied....Escapism. this is when you turn to other things out of the will of God(drugs, stealing or any ungodly act)...You are actually saying that you refuse to believe and trust God. That you know what is best for you and it is survival to the fittest. That is nonsense because God made you and created you and He knows about the person that He made. He will not force you to do it His way. He wants you to love Him because He loves you and gave His best for you His son. Would you sacrifice your children? If you would then you do not need children or want them.

Walk by faith...Faith is what you can not see but you know that it is there...You do not see the process of the rising of the sun but it happens? Seeing requires no faith because you are using your 5 senses and the spiritual world does not operate by using sensors. Reread how the body operates....You are made up of body,soul,and spirit. (locate in blog..reread) Do not get mad, sometimes we must reread things?

You are loved and continue to live God's way out loud...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wake up People!

How many people are living the life that they were created to live? Many can not answer this question because their life is full of things and feelings that are really not necessary. What can you take out of your life that will allow you to live the life that God created you to live? Are you in a rush do not enjoy everyday? What would you say is the problem that you can not enjoy life? Do you eat to live or live to eat? Do you work 24/7 and you still do not get ahead.? There is the art of learning to live Gods way. How do you do this? You do this by reading the word of God to find out what the good life really is.

Did you knows you know that God takes pleasure in you living the best life ever? How do you know what the good life is unless you read the word of God? Is life obtaining everything you get your hands on and you have no time to enjoy it? What is the God Kind of life? The God kind of life is walking by faith as God does.

In order to live the kind of life that God wants you to live you must first accept Him as your Savior? After you do that then life begins it is time to do what He does and say what He say, Did you know there is no good thing that He will withold from you or your family? What father or mother will give their child a posinous snake when they ask for something good? If you do then you are a person with an evil heart and you need to run to Jesus for change?

If you read the word from the beginning it easily reads that God spoke everything in existence by saying Let there be. Nothing was formed until He spoke it. The same way that you must speak it to come to pass. Now there is an exception to not getting the best:speaking outside of Gods will. In todays' society people can think and say some of the craziest things out of their mouth....Watch what you permit to go out of your mouth....

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Ten Commandments of Sibling Relationship by Rachel Burchfield

1. Thou Shalt Admit That God Put You in Your family.

There are no accidents in God. God can help you adjust to the idea of a step-brother or step-sister. If God had wanted you to be a part of another family, you would have been part.

2. Thou Shalt Admit That God Is Smarter Than You.

Life would sure be sweeter if you cooperated with God's way of doing things.God often use siblings to expose junk in your own life. Your reactions to their comments and actions reveals a lot.

3. Thou Shalt Realize That The World Does Not Revolve Around You.

Newsflash!!!There are other people that live and grew up in the same house. Clean up your own mess. Turn the TV down when others are asleep. Your family's destiny is not to make you perfect or king or queen. Yes, you are a part of the family..
but just a part.

4. Thou Shalt Respect Others Privacy and Possessions.

Try a little harder to return all things that you borrowed quickly. And try to ask before you take it nest time.OK Privacy is sacred to siblings. Stay out of their room and stuff just because they asked.

5. Thou Shalt Not Use Words That Wound.

Nothing stabs a siblings friendship like put downs , and cruel comments. Think about this please do not cause harm. Parents should have zero tolerance for this..On the other hands do not get your feelings hurt so easily. Do not berate siblings in front of others.(Stop) Siblings need to lighten up or toughen up.

6. Thou Shalt Be Committed and Glad For Their Success.

Your siblings have secret dreams for their life.Do you care? They need people to believe in them especially family. Do not tell them what they did wrong. Tell them what they did right and what you really like about them. Your opinion will always tower over everyone else, just because you are family.

7. Thou Shalt Treat Them Like Company.

Well, not exactly. But, siblings can get way too familiar with each other. When company walks into your house you say "hi". You do not act like they slept with you all night. When you are making sandwich you offer to make them one ,too. It is kind kindness,

8. Thou Shalt Celebrate Your Siblings Talent.

You were born an original, so don't try to be a copy. Try not to compete with each other. There is room in God's family(yours also) for everyone to be good at something. Your need to be the first and the best, should not be at the expense of others.

9. Thou Shalt Verbalize Your Admiration.

This takes practice but say it: " I am glad you are my sister or brother." "Your backstroke looks great." You sure know how to work with clothing, you have such good taste." L really admire you.: "Today is the big day..go for it." "You always say the right thing to make be OK." and yes, even I love and adore you."

10. Thou Shalt Honor God by Loving Your Siblings.

Here's the bottom line. Do you love God? Make it work at home or with your family. You will discover in time your brother or sister might just become your best friend.

CELEBRATE SIBLINGS!!!!!!!! A Celebration of who God made you and your siblings.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kicking down religious and sacred cows!

There is a diference between religious traditions and what the word of God says. Many hold tight to things about religion that are traditions. First of all let me explain what religion is: the repeat of things that are valued in a family,culture or duty. I can wash my car religiously. People do not relize that religion is a form of rituals. There is a great difference between religion and chistianity. Christianity is living the life of Jesus, Christ dominion living is the way all that love Jesus should live. Many think that Christ is Jesus last name. Let me correct you and tell you the truth that Jesus of Nazerene is His name. During that time period and culture still today used: a person is given a name and called the place they were boren. Jesus was born in Nazenrene. So your name would be Thea from Texas.(get the picture) Christ is also not His last name. Christ means anointing, the powere to ease through, or slip through. Thsi is why He is called the Christ: He is known as Jesus the anointed one.
When we do not know we can continue incorrectly,let your eyes be opened through the word of God. Study it..ask for the inspiration to understand it.

This will in some ways take you out of bundage and free you to serve Jesus as you were designed to serve Him. Know that His ways are easy.

1. Soem way that you must work and work hard to receive salvation..untrue..according to Romans 10:9-8 all that is required is to ask and speak out of your heart that He is Lord of your life..Repent : turn from doing things your way. Admit: admit that you are a sinner (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) You must open your mouth and ask...No silent prayer here (unscriptual)

2. Many believe that God is mad and them and they have went to far. Know that John 2:16 states that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for you

3, You may feel you are not worth it or others may tell you that you sinned to much. John 3:17 God did not send His Son to condemn the world but that you may have salvation, the right to the tree of life

4. God does not save anymore. false Ephesiands 6:8-9 states that For it by grace you have been saved by faith,and this is not of yourself but the gift of God,not by works,unless you can boast

5. Money is the root of all evil..the scipture states the love of money is the root of evil (in other words what will you do to get it:steal,borrow and not pay back,sell drugs,rob, give your body away for money,,hust what is your limit. 1Timothy 6:10

6. Rich men can not go to heaven..has the money got your heart.(bailout executives)..You can have money but have money with a mission..What will you do with it.**money enlarges the character of a person(for example if you are foolish, then you are just a fool with money..if a crack you, you will just have more money to buy larger quantity of crack and for friends too, if you are a wine o ,you will buy expensive wine for you and your gang Matthew 19:24-26

7. If you wear pants then you are going to hell. God looks at the heart of man. You can have on a long skirt and your heart may be dark and corrupted..

8. Women should be quiet in church and not speak. If you study the scripture history you will find that men and women sat in different areas. The women would have the children and many times they were yelling to the other side talking to their husband and the men. ICorinthians 14:34,Galations 3:26-29

10. Women have no place in ministry. You should tell Deborah, Mary Magdelene, Aquila and others that they should not have any part in the ministry. Did you know that there are many types of ministry.(all are not in the pulpit) What is your calling?
Judges 4-5.Acts 9:36

11. The Lord supper should only be taken in church. ##Now with this one you must be a believer do not play.** The scriptual says as often as you think of Him do this in remembrance. This will protect your family and it is to agree with what God alreday says.I Corinthians 11:17-34

12. Spare the rod spoil the child>>We are not talking about all this child abuse. Many times it is necessary to tell what the guidelines for your home is..The problem is parents do not want to be an example. For example why is your child violent: you allow them to play violent games and watch violent TV, lets not forget the music you allow your children to listen to. I once heard a 2 years old talking about your baby's daddy.(surreal) Proverbs 15-14

13. That you should let your husband do you any kind of way and take it. The bible tells the husband to love their wife. Could it be that a spouse really do not know how to love.This can also apply to women ,,Be a Proverbs 31 woman in attitude and work. Ephesians 5:25

14. The belief that God is controlling all things. He said when you ask you shall receive. God is not in control of the worlds evilness, they are being lead by twisted thinking. I know that God did not tell anyone to murder or commit adultery..It is because of the evilness in our hearts. God has to have permission to be in control of your life. Have you gave him permission. If not tell Him to be Lord over my life.Many disobey Gods word and then want Him to be a genie in a bottle.Chronicles (if my people who are called...)

15. God gave you the sickness to teach a lesson. This is ludicrous thinking why would God have to kill you or put sickness on you to teach a lesson. We know that sickness and disease come from different factors(hereditary,the way we eat and how we treat our body. We must also mention accidents..John 10:10-11

16, God will make you do things. He will never make you do anything. He wants and commands you to obey His word. When we refuse to obey His way of doing things then we allow negative things to happen in our life.

17. God will tell you what to think. This is contrary to the way God does things He tells us to study ourselves(2Timothy 2:15) Yes you can hear the word but how do you know it is the truth if you do not read it yourself. The bible is unlike the news stories that you hear. The word will support itself..look up the situation.

18. God does not want you to go to the doctor. Tell me why was Luke a doctor. It is good to go to the doctor. The word stated that my people perish for the lack of knowledge. If you do not know then you do not know what to do. Even with the doctors report ,look up healing scripture and apply them and we must change our habits of eating. Eat well.(the woman with the issue of blood in gospels Mark and dr Luke

19.. The speaking in tongues is not for today. God says He does not change. Have you ever seen the devil give you something good and that glorifies God. I can tell you that I tried to believe that a time in my life and did not receive anything good. I found out that God's benefits were the best. He never gives up on me and hurts me. Acts 3:3-8 God is the same yesterday and today

20. Have you ever heard that the old testament is not needed today and Jesus is not in there. Let me tell you that before you know where you are going, history is beneficial. The old testament is the history of man. Genesis is spoken of from Genesis to Revelation. In the old testament it tells of his coming, the new testament tells that He is here. You don't have to use rituals anymore. Jesus conquered the grave. He even told you how to get to the Father. He said use my name.(If someone gives you a credit card and tells you to buy what ever you want and sign their name) They are giving you the authority and permission to be entitled to whatever you want to buy. This is wonderful because Jesus told me to use His name and what ever I ask according to His will that I can believe and receive when I pray. You can not get any better than that.Isaiah 55,Micah 5:1-2 Daniel 9:24-26

21. Jesus is poor. Many teach and preach that Jesus was poor and had nowhere to live. If He was poor why did He have a treasury? and He always sent His disciples to make arrangements in next town.He even invited others to come see where He lived. When He was crucified they cast lots for His expensive clothing. Judas was the treasurer.

22. Holiness is a dress code. People it is a lifestyle.(The bible says be ye holy,for I am holy) does this sound like clothing..

Now if you disagree with me on any of the subject mention then take to the scripture and disagree with God. I did not invent these questions or answers. I have to live out loud and love you. Hit me up on questions to the left. These are a few religious things to forget. Sometimes you have to start thinking like Him to be free. He always tell us that His thoughts are not ours. We are so out of line sometimes. Just get in line with Gods word

**It is amazing the people that ask can we smoke or is it a sin? I show you better than I can say to you? Look on the side of the box of cigarettes the Surgeon general warms you of the harm that smoking will do to you. Now remember you trust man more that God. He is admitting that something is in those smoking pieces that cause cancer. Not only smoking but stop consuming things that are not good for your body. It is not important to believe me, the most important decision you will make is to believe God. He is God and I nor you are not. He is not intimidated by your not liking what the bible says. It stands for itself.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too legit to quit?

Has anyone seen the movie Forest Grump? The movie has one line that everyone remembers: life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you will get until you open the box up? You have to eat the first one.

Is this a true statement or could it be a statement that is misleading? It is all according to your perception. If you think that you never know about life then you could be right. On the other hand if you believe that life can be changed you are also correct. The question is what do you chose? Life and death is in the power of the tongue, this is according to the word of God. If you have read previous posting then you should know that you have what you say. The question is will you say the correct thing to change your situation? Do you give? or are you greedy? Start being a giver. What you give to others will be given back to you.(principle of the word)

We are back to choices. Are you so stuck in the life that you have lived to make a change? Can or will you make the necessary change to live the life that God has for you? Know that you will still have circumstances and situations ,that is called life. The word of God will give you a way out, in other words how to handle life. Have you noticed that being a christian and loving Jesus does not prevent life? Have you even thought about throwing in the towel because you do not see any results happening in your life because you have chosen God's way of doing things? or Have you come to a place in your life that quitting is not an option? We must stay the course.

Let's examine what could be happening in your life. You are looking at the news and all you see is recession or talk of recession. Our president is talking like sometimes there is no hope. Jobs are downsizing, lay-offs,people losing homes,banks closing, food is high, there is no place safe. All these things that I mentioned are going on and still at home or the house there is calamity. Baby needs a new pair of shoes, telephone disconnect, light bill and gas bill due, rent and mortgage bill is way over due.(just in case you have heard this before it really is from many songs that we sing) Jesus is the answer. OK we know the answer but He has done His part, what will you do. That is the million dollar question what will you do? Do you know what to do?

I tell you what you and I will do. We will stand on the word of God. He has said in his word that success comes from Him. We have our part to play in the living of life. What is it you may say? First of all get the bible and look up your situation. Get the answer into your heart and mind. Say what He says" He shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Heaven. Did you know that the spiritual world is parallel to the natural world.

It is your job to know how to manifest the spiritual things into the natural world.(you don't understand this do you, that is where reading the word comes in...Ask God for wisdom and with that get understanding.(what is impossible for you is very possible with God..say what He says) Check it out. You may have to grow to know this.

Since you have your health, then get a job and manage your funds. If you can not find a job then look within you to find out what you have learned and create your own job. Believe me we all have something that is hidden deep in us to survive. This is the time when creative ideas can be of value to you. Get in your mind that nothing will stop you and you will not quit until He quits. I have never read or seen when or where God gave up on us. We may give up on Him, but He does not throw us away.

Don't quit. Hold fast to the answer, the word of God. Go after it, if you have something to offer nobody can tell you no. Change your personality, you can do this. What are you bringing to the table, your past. Your past failures are not important. The failures are life lessons to learn from. If you talk to much, stop talking nonsense. Let your voice say what God says, talk the word.. If you steal, stop stealing. Steal no more. Look ahead your past is over. Take the new start.

Don't get fearful or despondent ,confront situation through Gods word. It is not about how you feel.but how you handle the situation and move forward. Say what he says. It will come to past, don't stop. In fact tell yourself that God words are to legit to quit saying. Hold fast. Make adjustments to your attitude and the way you see things. Walk in love not complaining about how life treats you.

You are in it to win it ...I am..How about you..Can you still do what Gods says and watch the finish product. You can not plant a seed and it grow over night. That seed has to develop roots, then greenery, then what do you see. There is a process in planting a seed. If there is a process in seed growth, then life is a process. You do not really know why a person has no job, and are in the situation they are in. Some people have big mouths and will not follow the bosses job description.

So, never assume that you know why things are happening. So are you ready to do your part. We all have a part to do. Read the word of God. Pray. Say what He says about situation. Now walk it out in life. Yes, it can be hard but nothing is easy. If life was so easy, you would not know how to be thankful and appreciative. Change you, we have to continually change or make changes.

Are you to legit to quit? Don't let life beat you, beat it. Live the best life ever. If you have not accepted Jesus then do that. If you have accepted Jesus, then do it His way by faith (word of God), You may say I do not believe the bible. The reason you give is that men wrote it. Ha Well, man is writing the newspaper and telling the news and you believe that. We would rather believe the bible.

Who's report will you believe? Get over being silly about what to believe. You believe the doctors report and he has read the work and experiences of other men countless research reports on how the body operates. The bible tells you how God operates. He even knows how the body works. God uses man to get His business done. He has already sent His Son Jesus to give you the victory. What else do you need? What are you waiting for? Yes, this is very blunt but true. I have told you that you may be shocked by my in your face approach at times. (get over it already)

Don't get mad. I want you to think about it. Time out for all the rubbish that you have said and heard. (run to the light) Remember love God and yourself. I love you and live out loud.I encourage you to do not quit. Encourage yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that nothing will not happen that you and God can not handle.

Monday, March 16, 2009

We pray,You pray ,I pray.......

When the whole world seems to get you down, why not pray. You say you want something different, why not pray. You say we got a new president, why not pray. You say you are tired of the same old same old, why not pray. You say you are tired of living the way you do, why not pray. You say that nothing seems to work for you, why not pray. I pray, You pray and We pray, this will make all the difference in the world. You may say I pray but nothing seems to help: what are you saying when you pray. When you pray something should happen. There are many reasons why things may not be working in pray. Some of reasons why the results seem not to work is: motives, selfishness, hate, wrong prayer, bitterness, unforgiving, and negativity ,unbelief, maybe even doubt.,unconfessed sin.. Do you pray and then return to talk about the problem negating what you prayed-what are you saying. Are you saying what Gods says about the situation? When you finish prayer do you start talking doubt or do you talk faith filled words. Kingdom conversations confirm what God says in the word. Many people may not know how to pray. I will tell you to talk to God from your heart and be honest with Him. Why would we lie to God, that is a no brainer. You need to admit,quit it and move on.

What is prayer: it is communication between the believer and God. Talking to God. Having a conversation with God. Responding to God and getting a respond back. Talk and speaking to God and agreeing with His will. Not your will. Are you going to tell God how to run His business.Not

There are six types of prayers: be specific not general
1. Prayer of Agreement

2. Prayer of Faith Petition

3. Prayer of intercession (praying for others) and supplication

4. Prayer of praise and worship (thanking Him for His awesomeness)

5. Prayer of consecration and dedication

6. Prayer of Thanksgiving (how you are thankful for what Gods has done and blessed)

Having a successful prayer life takes consistency. First of all start prayer with praise and worship telling God how good and awesome He is, worthy,wonderful, ,,,)Now just remember that God knows be real ..this does not go by how you feel. It is not about you. Its about Him. Secondly, allow Him to respond to you. Now comes the accountability part, your responsibility to acknowledge your sin and missing of the mark. Romans has already told you that we all have sinned and come short of the mark. If we say we have not sinned then we are a liar. (Romans )
Why not tell Him because He already knows. It is not as if you can hide anything,,be honest. Scripture reading and awareness mentally. Now intercede and pray for others , give Him your petition(needs and desires,problems. Don't whine tell Him about the problem.. Pray in the name of Jesus (use His name it is above all names) Jesus tells us to use His name because He is at the right hand of the Father agreeing with you. Remember He has also prayed for you.
Give Him thanks for the victory. You may sing worship, praise Him. Rejoice,Again I say Rejoice. Phillipians 4:4-7

Pray the word for every situation. Look it up by searching the scripture and meditating on it.
Pray in the Spirit.(tongues and spirit and truth) Continue with thanksgiving..

Remember your prayer must be in line with Gods word, and spoken out with mouth. Believe what you speak.

Now that you have prayed we want our prayers to be answered: Know that God wants to answer our prayers. He really love and cares about you. Make sure that you find what you want in the word of God. ex .healing,deliverance,love, get rid of fear,doublt etc. What does the word say. Ask in the name of Jesus and believe you receive it. Control your thought life to be align with your belief(His word. )Develop a faith confession in agreement in what you believe you are receiving. Avoid arguing or listening to others that do not agree with what you believe.(Don't listen to doubters or people that have a story where they know someone that it did not work for) You really don't know their belief system or level of faith. Think and see yourself with what you believe. Think constantly of how good God is (thanksgiving) Make a plan for what you believe. Keep hold to your faith. As always you should live out loud and love yourself and others. God loves you. He is crazy about you. He is always thinking of you. He has you on His mind, so have Him on your mind.

God loves you. He wants you whole,body,mind, and spirit. The will of God is in effect for your life through His word. Love you..Live out Loud

**Suggested reading : I.V. Hillard's Insight to Wisdom ...15.00 Lots of Gods Principals and concepts in this....

Monday, March 9, 2009

What is man....

Now then after your decision to make God your Father and Jesus the Lord of your life.: where do you go from there. The most important factor to know is , there is more to you that meets the eye. What about you? Everyone should know that they are made with different component. No I am not talking about the configuration or personal features of you. There is more to you being you. This is a very simple lesson in who you are. This will hopeful help you to become the best you that you can be. I know you think that you are all that, but there is more to learn,as you grow to maturity. The spirit and soul lives in the body.

First of all let me tell you that you have three major components. You have a body, soul and spirit. Each of the three parts are needed to fully be alive. I will give you an example: a car can not run without an engine,transmission and has to have a body. This is very similar to how you operate daily, You can not be alive without a body, soul and spirit. Each component is needed for man to survive.These things make you a living man on earth. (unless you are extraterrestial)That could be a whole other fictional story .(Genesis 1)

The body and its function. It is the house that holds the spirit and soul. You need a body to live here. The body is made of dirt and was created to go back to dirt. Look at your body it has a flesh that holds tissue and water.(biology thing) The body could be a problem because it wants to do things its way not God's way. There is a fight between the flesh and the spirit constantly.. The body most learn to be controlled. When a baby learns to walk he needs to learn to control the body . If the body is not controlled, it will be all over the place. This body is at enmity with God. We must according to scripture bring our bodies under subjection to obey the word of God. We do have a helper The Holy Spirit. You should know that your body is as the bible states a temple.(You would not pollut a temple would you)So,take care of your body.1Thessolonia5:23

The body function has five areas to operate:smell,taste,hear,touch and sight. Beware of what you see naturally it is not what God sees. He sees your end to the beginning. Victory....... Change can take place..We can grow. It would be so sad not to grow and never mature. We often see how people grow while listening or watching them.

Jesus was born to bring salvation to man. , He was to be crucified for us to have a relationship with God. He reconcile us to God again.. He is our example. We must learn to control the body and not let it do its thing, We can actually call this the flesh man. If you noticed it must be important because satan constantly attacks. If the body is sick we concentrate on it rather than focus on the word. Sometimes we actually let the body control us. (Romans7:5,7:18,8:3,8:8)Ephesians6:12). This is how you find out what the body is capable of: believe me it will turn on you if you don't speak to the body.

The second part of man is the soul (soul man). The soul has five functions: mind,will,imagination,intellect and emotion. The evil one is constantly trying to do things to make you lose this important factor. Just look at the functions of the soul and can"t you see why. The mind is what keeps us emotionally unbalanced and sick if allowed. God wants you well in your mind. This is the part of man where every thought comes from, rather it be negative,positive or Gods thoughts. The soul has to be trained and renewed constantly. This is why we must read the word,study it and meditate on it. This is where you change all behaviors and know what God's will is for your life.(Joshua 1 tells us to meditate on the word day and night) What does meditate mean: to think about it, recall, say it and believe it. If someone died and left you in their will, wouldn't you want to know what it is. Read the word. That is why it is called the last testament, or last will.

We must learn to cast down thoughts that are not Gods. How do you know God's thoughts: the word of God. Bible. We must train ourselves to think like God. Say what He says. If He say that you are no longer a victim..Then you are not a victim. The word tells you who you are. We must agree with what Gods says not people. Remember it is not how you start but consistency that counts. I like to say just do it. (I want to be like Jesus not mike) Any questions,if so ask me.

The third part of man is the spirit. Yes you are a spirit man. Once you become and accept Jesus the spirit man comes alive. Jesus is therefore residing in you. You have to learn to feed the spirit man what it needs. It needs spiritual food, the word of God. This is important because He needs to grow. It is then your job to feed the spirit.

What are the functions of the spirit man: prayer ,reverence(respect),praise and worship ,hope and live by faith. The spirit man will become sluggish or lazy when not feed properly. You will fill the spirit man urging you to the things that are of God . You will also be reminded of the things that are not Gods will for your life: listen. You are no longer the same. When the spirit man comes along , you are a new fellow..This is where all your past is gone. God has forgotten your pass and blotted it out, remembering it no more. God then places a sign there that says "no fishing". If He does no fishing for your past then neither should you.

Yes, people will see you or hear you and say that is the same person that use to do that and that. This does not even matter because God has told you that all your past is gone, and He is giving you a major make-over and overhaul. Now I ask you who can judge. No one can because they are not God. God is running things and they are not. Now you are an entirely new person. I say like Paul in the New Testament, who are you talking about I have harmed no man. book of Acts,Colossians,Romans,Ephesians,Phillipians (in fact Paul wrote most of the New to love him..the Jesus in him).

So, you must get in the word and stay there. All your past is gone. Nothing can compare to His love for you. What are you waiting for..praise Him for this..Know why you are praising God. He loves for you to praise and worship Him and give Him the glory. You are a spirit man living in a body with a soul.

Now the manual needed is the bible (basic instructions before leaving earth)..God is the manufacturer and you are His product. When you buy electronics from the store it comes with an owner's manual and warranty. The warranty is that you can always return to expiration date. Now this is the time that you start to LIVE OUT LOUD. Love you. Read about you in the you much. It is your or may I correct myself and say " that it is time to do our thing with our God."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

You are what you eat!

You are what you eat is a statement that is found to be true. Taking care of your body with the proper food, exercise and rest will give a healthier body. We must take the time to take care of our self because it can not take care of itself. Special attentions and consistency is the basic for a healthy outer body. The mind is necessary to be well balanced in order to be healthy. This brings me to the question "How are you taking care of your spiritual body.

Your spiritual bodies has need also. It has to be cared for ,just as your natural body does. The natural body should be checked fully yearly this is called a yearly or annual check-up. The same thing happens to our spiritual body with the things we put into eat. What are you allowing to be put in your spiritual body to cause unhealthy and sluggish spirit. We also must do a check-up of our spiritual body. How do you do a check of the spiritual body?

First of all what are we allowing our eyes to watch that can make them to become spiritually dull. Are we watching positive things that will reflect God's way of doing things. Are you watching things that would interfere with your concept of what would Jesus watch. Comedy is good to make the heart and mind healthy. Does what is said in the comedy reflect something that you would not be shame to look at by inviting Jesus. Just a question? You should know that Jesus lives in you. Does this offend you or make you quiver or say ohh.

Spiritual clear eyes stay keen when we read,study and meditate on the word of God. This is spiritual food; the word of God. It is so powerful it can change things in your life. You will no longer desire negative things. The more you get into the word the sharper your spiritual eyes will become. You will no longer see people like you use to see them. You can actually see them as God sees them with love. I am not saying that you agree with everything they do or say but you still can see them through the love of God. If they do not know Jesus then you will realize that they do not know. There are people that really do not know. They also have not associated with people that know the truth. Why judge them..They are living like they are suppose to live.

It is your job to tell them about Jesus. When Jesus lives in you,how can you look at anyone but with sympathy. Give them the choice you were given: the choice of life or death, allow them to chose. Don't get upset if they don't answer or say anything positive. A lot of times you are to tell them about Jesus and they will think about what was said to them later. Many times someone else will also tell them the same message of Jesus. Pray for them and let god do His job. We are only to witness to them and another may come along and they are ready to accept.

We are now at the ears that may be dull. What are you listening too? Are you listening to negative music that tells you to do silly things. Why would anyone want to know how to be silly or act like an animal. The worst is listening to music that names especially women derogatory names. Many women agree with the derogatory statement. Remember you are what you say you are. The power of listening and speaking junk, what lessons are you learning through listening. What about sensitive language. Why would anyone enjoy language that curses you rather than bless you.

Where are you going? There are some very good places to go as well as negative places. Where you go has the power to change you. Would you be comfortable taking a love one there or Jesus? If the answer is no then why go. Society has a way of calling you something and someone you are not. They never let you for get your mistake. In fact it is hard to not be judge or forgiven..People will always see you through their own precept. There is someone who does not keep looking at your pass..Jesus will not. All your past is gone once you admit and quit it and move on. Repent of what ever it is..What does repent mean-turn from what you are doing and do a new thing.

What are you saying out of your mouth? We must remember that words are very important. Once you say them it can not be taken back. Words are dangerous. Words are like a sword that can pierce you with a blow that will slay you. We can brake hearts, spirit and mind by using piercing harsh words with others. Are we so mean that we can not encourage.? Sometimes it is necessary to break the pattern of using words that tears down someone. It is best to never cause harm. Build up someone,if you can not say nothing. It is said that silence is golden..In the case of being so negative silence is needed.

Please Please do not break children with calling them out. Watch what you say and do..They need to be the best that they can be in a safe environment. The environment should nurture them Positive conversations are a most.. People too.

Prayer is an essential element to a healthy spirit. Pray is communication with God and a most is for Him to talk to you. We must have clear ears to hear from God. He will speak to you. After all He is the great I am. I am is what ever you need. What do you need? Healthy body, spirit healthy and healthy finances. What ever you need He is "I am."

It is necessary to watch what we see,hear,say and do. The eyes are the gateway to the soul. Protect your eyes ,ears,mouth and heart. This is the spiritual exercise we need. Reading the word of God will make you stronger. It is a process. It takes time.

So watch what you are feeding your spirit in order to be healthy. God wants you healthy in body and spirit. Take care of yourself to live the best life ever. How are you viewing life. Growing is a process. Choose to grow don't stay the same. If you don't grow then you stay a baby. This is abnormal because a baby has growth. We all are striving for spiritual maturity that will be a profit for life. Me too. live out loud. love you (Phillipians 4:8)

Just remember it is also good to eat healthy. A lot of our problems could be lack of vitamin to think clearly also. Healthy body and healthy spirit needed for best life ever.

****Let me tell you that this is for believers to feed spiritual body.If you are not a believer the first step for you is to accept Jesus as your savior: How do you do this ..admit that you are a sinner(all have sinned and come short of the glory of GodRomans, admit that Jesus is God's son and He died ,was buried and rose again,ask God to for give you of your sins. Just say yes. now thank Him for giving you the gift that is free you can eat spiritual food,,you are instantly saved by grace(no you do not deserve it, he has given you unmerited favor, this is free) know that He loves you. now renew (change again)your mind with the word.

Know that you can not change yourself..The word does that gradually. You are a new person. Just like a new born babe needs to grow so do you. (beleive by faith) Faith is now,you may not see it but it is working. Everybody wants to advoid reading the word and then say that things are not working for them. Reading, studying and meditating is our part. Let's be for real Jesus is not going to read the bible for you. Go get one buyone, or borrow one. Call me I will get you one if needed. You must use your eyes to read, and ears to hear and mouth to speak. **Tip if you have a computer: everything you need is at your fingertip bible,*******

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recruting Day

Lies this is an example of the biggest lie that can be told to you. Let him that have an ear hear this as well as understand the truth. The choice is yours., don't be fooled.

There was a man that died. As the man left his body he was approached by an angel. The angel told him that he must make a decision so therefore he was allowed to visit heaven and hell for a day. The choice was up to him where he would spend eternity. The angel took the man to heaven first. Upon entering the gate he saw gold streets and all kinds of jewels. The gate was made of precious stones. He heard beautiful singing. He heard lots of laughter, but all of a sudden he had to leave.

The man then went down in an elevator that was jamming with music.. As the doors open he saw women walking around in fur coats and had bling from head to toe. He looked over and saw the men with fine bling. They were celebrating and eating the fines food. They even invited him to come and jam with them. This was the coolest place he had ever seen. He started getting comfortable, when all of a sudden he was back with the angel. The angel told him to make a choice now heaven or hell. He thought about it and compared to the two places. After thinking about it he decided on hell.

When he said hell. then at the spread of light he was instantly back in hell. Upon returning to hell he saw fire, filthy conditions, people hollering and crying. He heard the vile language . Such language and anguish that he had never seen. He looked around and saw the devil. He said this is not what I saw when I was here before. Where are the fine clothing,music, bling,parties, and fine eating. The devil looked at him and started laughing , He said that was recruiting day."

What does this tell you. There is a choice to be made. Where will you spend eternity. The choice is our. Chose . If you have already made the right choice then congratulations, you believe the truth is Jesus. If you made the wrong choice or refuse to take sides, you are already making the choice to live without Jesus. Hold on (jumping Jehoshaphat) it is not to late to change and make the right choice, You still can. Do it. Remember I love you and live out loud.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting rid of toxic relationships ! Yes, you can.

Why must you get rid of a toxic relationship ? Can you imagine anything so polluted that it just stinks and is No good for you. Well not only is pollution not good for you, but a relationship that has you doubting yourself or not knowing who you are is not good. You may be thinking it will get better, I can handle it, but can you. Toxic relationships can kill you. Who come to kill and destroy you? Even in the natural we must get the toxins out of our body and get a cleanse ? Toxic bodies allow diseases to have an opening to enter. Shut the door to toxic relationships, don't give entrance. You have to detox the whole body can be poison. What is happening to your body,soul,mind and spirit.?

First of all you are putting to much energy in something that is really not worth it? You may say that's a lie I lovves this relationship. I will make it work out. I am not only talking about marriage,or divorce but friends,family and foes. Suggestion: get marriage christian counseling(notice it is christian counseling by the word of God), Many times people will say that it is you, but what if it is not suppose to fit. Look deep before you leap, if single.Nothing or no one should be that important to you that it will separate you from God. Let's not mention our relationships with things. (yes, I said it things)

How many relationships have you witness where life goes on. Look and you will see that the other party is going on with life. Usually you will never know rather they are happy or not. True happiness that is forever fleeting is a part of life. Did you know that nothing or no one can really make you happy. You are asking someone to be God when you totally depend on them. Are they your God? Just remember that people change , but God does not. How can anyone make you happy when they are unhappy? Something and somebody is forever changing ,and not being satisfied themselves Because of our human nature we change moment to moment. One day you feel like a nut, the next day you don't.(get it) God will give you joy , Happiness fades but joy does not. Joy is within you. That is why Jesus said that He came to so that you could have abundant life.

What is abundant life? The meaning of abundant life is nothing missing, nothing broken. No matter what it is you can be fulfilled thru Jesus. In fact we can grow and grow. You always can grow as long as you live. It is not over or finished to Gods says over. How about your relationships (you can have one with money). Who is your master...Is it God,you,others or things.

When things happen then forgive and move on. Did you know that you must be careful who you allow to enter your life. There is a time to be friends and a time to move on. How can who you allow in your life change or make you who you are. One example have you ever been around a negative person. Every time their mouth open there is nothing good. That person can be to fat,to thin, to round. to ugly, not happy, broke-not enough money. Everybody has a story which one will you listen too. A relationship can be so negative, there is nothing said good about anything or anyone. This reminds me of chicken Little the sky was always falling. Also, the story of the boy that cried wolf. (You know what I mean)

Do you plan to always feel sorry for yourself or someone that falls down. all the time? When do they get up.? Enough already. No I am not saying you won't fall the bible says a righteous man falls 10 times but he get up. When will we learn that we must help ourselves and be made whole first before others. Many times a person has to have a scape goat, it is always somebody else's fault. Excuses. You can tell them about Jesus, and they always have to tell you about the preacher or the christian people. You may even be negative about some people or religions. That is the problem stop blaming others, what about you. Become the best you, that you can be.You may even be invited to accept Jesus as your personal savior, always an excuse. What we do is usually use a crutch .is. I'm not ready, I am not good enough, I don't believe in Jesus. Well, when that comes How is life working for you?

Someone may even think that I am having so much trouble, why come to Jesus? Why, because He is the answer. No he did not promise you a rose garden. Get real, we live in a fallen world: it is usually about choice. You are given a choice, you may say I will not choose. Listen up, because you did not choose you have made a choice.

As stated before God has everything you need: from a-z. What is your problem. Where are your toxic materials in your life. Get rid of them, no matter what. Just don't sit there and do nothing. Go to the word and do something. My statement again if you want the same results do the same thing. (I hate to be so blunt but what do you call that oxymoron. Are you one?) I know you are not because you are made in the image of God. You have a mouth to speak,,say no more.I am coming out of this. Tell the toxic relationship: I am coming out. If you want to hang with me change has to happen. Say enough. Run to Jesus . Read the word..Dig for the answer and stand on it. What does stand on it mean? Believe. don't stop. Don't quit till you get your breakthrough.

Sometimes you have to take inventory of yourself, and stop doing some things. If you have to stop being with a toxic person. Stop.. Where do you go? If it is not a positive environment?Stop? what do you talk about? if it is not positive, then stop being negative. The bible even tells you to think on these things: things that are good, just, true and of good report. What report. Suppose a doctor tells you bad news. It is the proof but it is not the true. Did you know that facts change, but the truth does not.Let me prove it to you. A crack head is a crack head as long as he uses crack , right you can even see him with it or find it on him. When you stop using crack and no longer use it. It is over, the person can even lose desire or thirst for crack thru Jesus. Did not the fact change? He no longer can be called a crack head. You may always call him one but he can tell you that he is a new person in Christ. This would be the truth because once you accept Jesus you are not the same. The process begins. Day by day a change will come, if you allow it. Let Him do his thing with you, renewing your mind through the word. Change the company you keep. Get around like minded people.Never quit. You then must read the bible to have God's mindset. You are a new person. You can not go back to the same places when you used crack. The person can trade the crack pope into track of Jesus or the Bible. LOVE YOU. LIVE OUT LOUD.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love ..Has Everything to Do With It!!

Love has a lot to do with your well being. There is a song that says "what does love have to do with it? This is a false misleading statement because love has a lot to do with it. God commands us to love. To love one another. If this was not important then tell me why did God give His only begotten Son for us to have the right to the tree of life.(John 3:16) We are totally told to love one another. Love is also one of the Ten Commandments. What is a commandement? It is a set of orders not suggestion. He did not suggest that you should love. God told you to love.

Jesus also repeated that Love is one of the greatest commandment. To love one another,love your neighbor as yourself and to Love God with all thy heart and soul. He is constantly emphasizing love. He uses 1Corinthians 13:14-18, this is considered the love chapter. God is Love.Love is God. In fact when you see God's name in the bible change reading of it by saying Love.

What is love? Love never fails. Nothing works without it, and there could be no failure with it. It takes faith to believe love will never fail. The natural mind can not understand love, because it only understands selfishness. It believes if you don't look out for no.1, nobody else will. This statement may be right, for selfishness closes the door and he is on his own. God is left on the outside and selfishness is on its own.

But when you practice love by faith,and refuse to seek your own,you put the Farther in action for you. NO man is allowed to do you wrong (1Chronicles 16:33).No weapon that stands before you can prosper. No one has the power to hurt your feelings,because you are not ruled by feelings but by God's love.

This love is revolutionary.If we really understood the great return for living God's love, we would be competing against each other, trying to love the other more. Everyone would emerge from the competition a winner. This would be living the greatest command.(some thoughts from Copeland min.)

Just a thought to keep you walking in love. I call it doing the love walk. You are loved. Live out Loud.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Nothing Compares To Him!

Have you ever compared any religions to each other? How about comparing Jesus to other figures in other religions? Sometimes you need to find out something about another religion to tell others about Jesus. I have studied world religion and find that there is a great difference in how one defines religion. Throughout all my studying I find that there are rituals to do that will ensure your worthiness. This is a short overview about religion. After the overview I would like you to make a decision or define what religion or religious really means. How does this compare to your belief in Jesus? Is Christianity a religion or is religion bondage that will keep you burden down in the perception that you must work hard in order to achieve eternal life. Do religion oppress people.? This is only a light touch on the subject. Do the study yourself? This will help you to understand and how to witness to others in religion even some churches that have rigorous restrictions that are not scriptural or controversial. Shall we begin. Yes this is long , so get ready, get ready. It takes time to examine religions. This is only a few, there are others.
Tell me what do you call a person that keeps trying the same thing over and over and it still does not work. What do you call a person that changes what they are doing to get something or someone that works?(Smart, that is the answer to this.) Same stuff different day.

First of all lets example Buddhism. Buddhism is not the oldest religion. It started with a disenchanted prince that had the pleasure of all the privileges avail to him as a prince. This prince was well protected and did not have dealings with the outside world. He was only familiar with inside the castle or shall we say castled om. One day he without the doors of the castle and he saw so much despair. He was moved by the tragedy of others . He then reconcile to deny himself of the luxuries of a prince and set out to find out ; why was there so much suffering? His pilgrimage lead him to believe that you must work toward humanity to gain the true riches of eternal life. Sounds like you have to do work and that still may not be enough to guarantee a place of eternity. He name himself Buddha. Buddha was poisoned while having diner with others. He died and never rose again. Now he is followed by millions of others trying to work for eternal life. Doesn't sound like he came back to improve anything. There is still suffer age. You worship a stature which is an idol and chant. You chant all day to hear nothing..Does he answer. Can you talk with the idol. I even notice that fruit is left around this idol to give the harvest. At the end of the day is the fruit gone? It is rotten fruit to put in trash. Will this idol speak to you when you call. This has got to be working for you because you are probably still doing this. Are you? Have you passed out yet from all the chanting. Try again. If it is not working? You probably need to do more work. Maybe change to some one that works.

Second religion we will expand on is Muslims. There are many Muslims today. This religion started out with the idea of Muhammad developing a religion in opposition of the known religion. He said he prayed and his god gave him instructions on what to do. Doing his prayer time he says that god spoke to him and gave him the instruction to take over religion and politics . His strategy that was given to him was to kill those that will not follow him and his way of doing things. He had direct information from his god. If they wanted to fight then they had to die by the sword. He killed many on the understanding that he was not gods son but a messenger from god. He imposed strict rule over others. Do or die. After all he was the messenger in charge. He could have any or many women. All the riches, servants and fear of war. He conquered many other people or townships and set up rule. He died and never rose again from the grave leaving his will in his book to be cared out. Sounds like religion of fear to me. Still today they believe that you do or die. This is why they war so much, if you are not going to be Muslim then you die. World domination of all religions. Doesn't sound like he gives in choices?The reward of a martyr is paradise with over 6 virgins, houses and riches? I have always wondered what do the women get? Do they get virgin men and houses plus a place in paradise? Makes you want to go hum. Also they say that ask you to join them to avoid death. If you don't join them, then total domination of war and death. Total take over. Their goal is total domination of the world. This is worshipping a man. Does he answer or talk to you? Is this a personal relationship? Did he die and rise again and sit at the right hand of the Father? Does he cover you with his blood. Does he love you regardless if your choice is not him. Is this one working for you. Had enough. Do you feel you may have made the wrong choice. Then stop the dance, change partners. Change is good with the right partner. Take Jesus as your partner. Where is the love in this? Love is not taught in this religion, hate fro others that are not muslims. Muslims are always at war. There is never peace because this religion is structured on hate for others.

Now lets discuss Hinduism. This religion has been traced back before Jesus. This is an old religion. You have seen the statures of the hands and etc. They believing in transcending above the mind. They meditate and levitate. They believe in different degrees of meditating the highest degree is nirvana.(I think there was a grudge group by this name . I wonder if they knew what it meant.) Back to the state of nothingness which by the way is the highest state. There are different levels of transcending but the uttermost is the state of nothingness. Not trying to be funny but where do you go from nothingness. Who wants to be nothingness bound. I asked my professor what was the purpose he could not explain. So, maybe you can . Why would I want to be in a state of nothingness. Just transcend out of my body with no where to go but nothingness. Go0 figure. If is you then explain. You know this is what darkness wants you to be in a state of nothingness,to do its thing and plan. Now I ask you again where is this leading to eternal life, I guest to vanish? Read it for yourself. Many have went to this state and are walking around blank. This sounds insane.This also is a statue? an idol. You worship an idol. Does this talk back? Can you have a one on one personal relationship? Can this religion make you whole. Healing(I.m just saying) Is this working for you. Where is the love?

Lets examine the religion of reincarnation. This is the belief that you had a previous life. That you may have been someone else either male or female and you are coming back in another century. In this religion it is how good you are to others that will determine who you will be In the next life. So believe that you may be a fly,, an animal or anything that you have worked to be transformed into a previous lifetime before. They even will not kill a cow to live because it may be a relative. Even in Africa some religions believe that when you die you come back as another person..I was once told that the African was believed to be his grandfather. So he was revered by his kinsman. The reason he was believed to be his grandfather was because he was the first male to be born after grandfather died. So, therefore his grandfather soul returned in him. Imagine that. I want to remind you I am not ridiculing others. Just provoking to compare. Do you have a choice? You come back as another being this sounds like classicism and prejudice.
Where is the love?

Now lets talk about God and His Son Jesus. First of all God was always and will always be. He is the first and the last,the alpha and omega. He is even the center. If you don't believe in creation. Let me ask you where did the grass come from. The trees. The air you breathe. Even where did you and your parents come from. If you believe in evolution. Let me ask you if you derived from ape. Why then are there still apes. When apes have babies how do they look. When a seed is planted what comes up. When a flower is planted what comes up? If you plant an apple seed will a plum come up. If a dog have babies will they be cats or cats be dogs? You get the picture.

Then how is it possible that you came and evolved from an ape? They have been trying to make the ape and monkey talk for years. Scientist have tried to prove evolution, but still can not. Have they yet? They try to teach the ape and monkey through sign language? Is that the only language they can sign? Looks like they can't do that very well. Did you know that an animal listens to the pitch of your voice and follows your hand gestures? So, How is it then that you came from an ape.

Man is so much like God because He made us in his image. God talks and He says your thoughts are not even His thoughts.(Isaiah) He knew you before you were born out of your mothers womb? Then tell me how can you be reincarnated from pass life.(Jeremiah) Who made the sun,moon and stars .I ask you who made the earth and its planets. Seems like somebody did it. There is an ocean, who made it. The whole earth is full of His splendor? In the beginning was the word and God made it flesh.(John. I know that the birth of Jesus may have you confused but read it.? It is in the new testament. and talked about in the old testament. He is talked about from Genesis thru Revelation? He is also talked about now. He was made flesh. That means that Jesus was a baby and grew up. His works is all through the new testament and old testament.
I can talk to Him and have a relationship. He loves me always. He does not hate me. He hates some things I may do but not me. Now, this is love. Its all about love.

God can't lie or die. If he says it,then it will be. He spoke the world into existence. If He say that there is a five legged dog. Look because there will be a five legged dog. When He speaks it can not come back. Golden nugget""""be careful of what you speak out of your mouth. Image of God you are made. If He says it. It will come to pass. He told me to sit down and sup with Him and Hr with me. You must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Yes , this is so personal. Imagine He would have died for me if I was the only human.(loving this) He is so crazy about me. I am the apple of His eye. What about you.? Do you have a relationship with Him? Yes, you need one. Salvation is the beginning. Jump right in. Get yours. There is room for all. Living for Jesus is not a religion, it is called a relationship. So, don't ask me if I am religious. I am not. I just love having a fellowship and relationship with Jesus and therefore I have one with the Father. The only way to a relationship with the Father is thru His Son Jesus. That is the pass word Jesus. Use that name Jesus , He will get you everything. Say it. and use that name. Jesus,Jesus. It is love that took Him to the cross.

. It is even stated that Jesus would carry the world on His shoulders. You can't work for this, you have to accept Him.Can't work or outwork for salvation to guarantee you eternal life or a spot in heaven. No, you have to (believe,confess and receive this) Remember God knows the heart of man. Where can you hide? No where. Jesus was born to die. Why? This is the only way to reconcile man to the father. We use to have to go to the priest and bring a certain amount of animals for an offering for out sins(wrong doing). The better way is Jesus. He is the lamb that was slaughtered for you and me. Wow He died,was buried and rose again? He lives. Ready to live in you. Tell me any other religion where they can testify that they lived and rose again. There is even evidence and facts to prove this. Jesus did have a birth record and a body. Many witness this fact. He will not kill you. (do or die) He will allow you to make the choice. So choose life. . There is an alternative to eternal life. Could it be called eternal damnation? Think about that. Is anything worth your separation from God? You better know there is not. He is available 24/7. That is love.

Read: Book of John (Such love) Book of Galations (will free you from religion)

Now, He sits at the right hand of our Father because God is our Father too, and Jesus is our elder brother. How did this happen? We were adopted. If you are adopted you get the same rights and privilege as a natural born child. You get the same provision and everything else. In fact you have the same covenant(contract and promise) and blessing as His son Jesus has. In fact you have the privilege in using Jesus name. That means it is not forgery to sign His check. He already paid for your healing,sound mind, prosperity and well being. The best is to join Him in eternity. Have the other religions invited you to join them in eternity or live like they do. Do they call you sons and daughters also.? Do they call you their prince? Do they? Then you should choose Jesus. His benefits are out of this world? Hope that you enjoyed this long (yes long comparison of religions? ) He loves you enough to define your choice of living separated from Him? Do you really want to? You have total freedom in Him, not frustration and fear. He will not oppress you either. He is not mad at you. He stands waiting for you. Ready to open the door, but you must ask. He is gentle. He changes not. There is no new plan. Jesus is the plan. A relationship with Him is the one and only Plan. Take the plan of salvation. Come on. Stop wasting time. The time is now. Tomorrow never comes. Why? Because tomorrow becomes yesterday.(Think about it) He is not scared of other religions. He is not even intimidated.

What are you planning to do with the rest of your life? There is no age limit. One restriction and that is to believe. It is not how you start but how you finish. Believe that Jesus was born, died and rose from the dead.

His yoke is easy and burden is light? So don't be fooled by any church or person to tell you "You got to work for your salvation? He loves you. He doesn't want you to worry about anything, He ask you to bring everthing to Him and leave it at His feet. Such love. (as someone once said and is still saying "Don't worry about it cat?) You have to dress like this? You can't wear this and that? If you take on the mind of Christ through the word , you will not want to wear certain things? What do you wear to work? Would you go to work naked? Would you go to work on drugs? Would you even sit any kind of way and through your legs on your work area? Would you come to work when it is closed? Got it. Keep in mind some jobs have a uniform and they tell you how to dress for your own safety ? So, read Gods word He will not condemn you but teach you. No one can be you but you. You are and original. Be the best you . Gods loves you and He made you the way you are. Just remember He loves you to much to let you stay that way. He rules those He loves. Love you. Choose Jesus...Live out loud. He even shall we say rocks!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to deal with rejection?

Rejection is not a good thing. To be unwanted and unloved by another is a terrible thing, if you let it. Did you know that this is a spirit. The same spirit came over Saul,when rejected from being the king? It is hard going from love by all to be loved by few. This spirit opens the door to depression,low self-esteem ,guilt and shame. Don't allow this spirit to attach itself to you. Avoid this feeling at all cost. It is not worth your energy.(Saul the first King of Israel that the people had to have located in old testament was rejected by God. Why was he rejected? He was rejected because he wanted to please the people more than God. Disobedience will get you no where.) They even begged the Lord for this king. They were the only nation without a king. Why? God was their king. But they wanted to be like everyone else..they wanted a king to bow down to. Early time peer pressure. Regrets,Regrets

Yes, sometimes you are hit blind-sided ed by rejection. Can you image that Jesus was rejected by His own people the Jews. (don't get offended we are talking about rejection not a culture of people). Oh,how we may love someone so much,only to find out that they have other motives.

I don't think that people set out to destroy you,but they can. Some of the things that can set up for rejections are broken relationships with others. I have learned that we put people or a person before God. And if we really want to be trueful about the matter God wants to be first. Yet, He allows us to go on and find other loves and lovers, not even thinking of Him.

You are exceptional,if this has not happened to you. It could be a rejection by your parents or parent. Putting others before,He tells you up front that He is a jealous God)Yes ,jealous. It sometimes can be drugs (which we know that can destroy the whole man),husbands (don't ever put them before God),children(we can become obsessed with them day and night)(the little darlings),and even jobs(workaholic). Where does this usually lead to? It leads us to loved the creation not the creator.

When rejection comes we are so hurt? Rejection even comes when nobody hears you,this can make you feel so unimportant. Have you ever had someone to tell or show you that they are completely moving on. What does it feel like? The feel is that of ultimate betrayal. You can take to loneliness, crying and hurt.(to be exact it feels like someone took a knife and stuck it in your heart and twisted it. How you feel that knife and it keeps twisting. What do you do? The best relief is finding out who you are in Christ. You are more than a conquer. You are an over comer. You are the head and not the tail. You chose life and not death. We take our power back and give it to Jesus and not rejection. We learn that He loves us. And will never leave or forsake us. We find out that He is not shame of us. We also learn that we are survivors and greater is He that is us than He that is in the world.

Are you feeling rejected? Where does depression,guilt and shame come from. It comes from not knowing who God made you to be. It comes from knowing God and His will for your life. Generally,some think that God is just waiting to punish you for your wrong. It is believe that He stands with a big stick ready to hit you in the head and destroy you. This is the biggest lie that has been told to us from childhood. Is it any wonder why people are afraid to come to God? Even some religions tell you that if you work hard God will love you. Some even believe if they give up their life and be a Martyn they will get rewards of houses and several virgins in the after life. Still other religions tell you that depending on what you do here will determine how you will come back in next life. What ever your religion of choice is: you have tried the rest,now go for the you thought I was going to say best. God is not intimidated by other religions. He laughs at them.

You get the picture. It is amazing everybody wants something but never want to give anything. Hold it that statement brings on the true meaning of giving something: God gave His only begotten Son to die for our wrong doing or perception of being perfect, so that you could have the right to the tree of life, eternal life. He wants to give it to you now not later: abundant life. He said if yes,if you chose life over death everything is yours. What do you mean by everything? I mean sound mind(don't have to be crazy no more. you know how many crazy folk are out there. You don't have to walk around poor in spirit..depressed unloved; no more. You don't have to be poor no more. Am I talking about money? Well since you mentioned it yes broke,busted and disgusted no more. He will teach you how to earn it and spend it. Yes. Yes. Do you really need 5 pairs of the same shoes in different colors?(I am just saying ,laugh about it.)
I can't throw stones I have did this also.(taken from book of John)

You are so loved, Never rejected. Jesus was rejected as He was on the cross. How you say? Can you imagine the hurt and rejection He felt as His Father could not look at Him anymore because of the darkness that the world had(evilness). Jesus was separated from His Father, He had never been before? He cried out Why have you forsaken me?, Wow this is powerful,but necessary for us. Read Matthews the crucifixion of Jesus. He did it for you , you should know what it is and why. Sometimes you just need to know why anyone would do this for you. This is so personal for me. This is my personal Jesus for me only but you can make Him yours too. I am not a hater.

A lot of our experiences are necessary for us to find out who really loves us more that our parents. I am a parent and grandparent would never give up my miracles for anyone not even you. So, I advise you to get your own relationship going with Jesus, so you would never be left alone without Him.

If you by any chance have been rejected, run to the one that loves you, or run back to the one that loves you. He loves you more than you know. Just feeling the love of Jesus teach many things. He teaches you how to love others. This is the ultimate lesson to learn love. Once you feel that love and really believe that love you will never go back. Get in the word and seek out His love for you. Also you must be able and ready to forgive and let it go. No man has not given up so much that it has not been returned to him by the love experience of Jesus. Go for it.

Entrench yourself in Him. He is the vine you are the branch. Let Him sup with you. Never forget to seek out the purest love ever. Jesus is that purest form of love that you can get. And while you are getting, get understanding. . Read the book of John. It will do you good. Challenge you to read it. If you have go back and read it again) Read the books of Psalms and Proverbs.) Love you. Live out Loud

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Scriptures on forgiveness..Take as often as needed - dosage

  1. Proverbs 17:9
  2. 2Chronicles 7:14
  3. Psalms 51:10-12
  4. Daniel 9:19
  5. Matthew 6:14
  6. Matthew 18:35
  7. 1John 1:9
  8. Psalm 25:8
  9. Matthew 18:21-22
  10. Psalm 25:18
  11. Ephesians 1:6
  12. Acts 13:38

Mark 1:25

Hebrew 9:12

Colossians 3:13

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Take it all

I once heard a story of a rich man that had one son that he loves. This man loved his son so much that he gave him everything. The man even supported his son artistic skills(for which he had none). The rich man loved his son so much that he praised his art work and framed one of his ugly pictures.

The son was called to war . The father sobbed and sobbed because he loved his son so much and did not want him to go. The father knew that the son had to go so he gave him a big send off. The son got killed in the war. His father was greatly grieved, and never really got over it. When the rich man died , he left his son's painting to be auctioned.

The auction started. The auctioneer said who is going to bid on this painting. He knew it was an ugly paintings so he said "can I get five dollars." There was not one taker wantinng the ugly painting. The auctioneer had to lower the bid. "Can I get one dollar for this painting." A man raised his hand I will give you one dollar for it.

The auctioneer hit the gavel in his hand and said "sold." He then said "sold to the man for one dollar". Then he quickly said" son you get it al"l. The man received all the riches of the rich man. The man loved his son that much to give the buyer everything he possessed simply because he bought the painting. He loved His son that much to give everything away.

You may be wondering what does this mean. It means that God has only one Son. God loved His son so much that He gave Him up so that others could receive all the benefits. The rights to the tree of life. We are the benefactors of Jesus life insurance policy. (yes,Getting excited.) (Me too,Me too) What are the benefits you may say. First there is salvation and eternal life. He also gave you abundant life to live. There is also healing, health,sound mind and body,peace love and so on..check it out it is in the word. Guess what I made the decision to get the benefits. They are great. I don't have to worry about Him going out of business or downsizing. Once He says it ,done deal. What about you....


Have you ever wondered what forgiveness really means? I know that you think you know what it means but really what is the technical meaning of forgiveness?Looking in any dictionary it means to give up resentment,pardon,relief from payment,wiping the slate clean. I know that you say this woman is crazy how can I. The human mind is made to remember things. I ask you what are you choosing to remember. Why are you placing so much importance to something.

The most important thing to you should be your body,soul, and mind. The most important thing in this life is to deal with it. You have to deal with the hurt and identify why you are hurting in order to heal. The first thing that happens when you go to a doctor is he ask you what is the problem. He tries to identify the problem. If you give the doctor false information , then he usually can't help you.

Some of us say what the hurt is, but never attempt to get the solution to not having this problem anymore. Sometimes it is a process other times it can be dealt with and put to rest. Now, I am coming to the most important part of forgiveness. Did you not know that some sickness,illness and diseases come from unforgiving.

Many are not willing to forgive. I must turn around and ask you "how long will you be a victim? You were made to be victorious and an over comer. First of all know that sometimes unless you deal with the problem and say it ,the problem will continue. Are you tired of the repeating turmoil. Jesus even tells you that you must forgive before you can continue to live abundantly. The bible has a model prayer "The Lords prayer" in the prayer He says forgive out trespasses as He forgives us. No,I am not telling you to stay in situation.

Sometimes you just can't keep seeing or being around a repeated person or thing that brings negativity and causes harm. We must not cause harm or allow others or things to harm us. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. I even go farther a mind is a terrible thing to waste and do nothing about it. I encourage you to deal with it and forgive or pardon others.

Jesus was sitting around talking to His disciples and one of them ask Him" Lord how many times do I forgive"? Jesus look at them and said you must forgive 70x70.(you get the point). That is a lot of forgiving. If you have to confront the person or thing then confront it. Tell them you have no power over me. I release you from what you did because I am free of you. I am not scared of you anymore. You meant to destroy me and my family but I will not give you that power. You may have had power over me but I take that back. I will not allow you to destroy me any more. You are a sad selfish person. Now you deal with it, I do not have to any more because I am free of you and all your mess. I moved on. If this is to hard for you then write a letter,therefore you are at least dealing with it. It is up to you if you want to mail the letter ,tear it up or whatever. In the name of Jesus I am forgiven and I am no longer wounded from this thing or it. Now, walk off and rejoice. Yes, I say walk off throw it up(if it helps throw your hands up as if to toss into air or space.

This will work. Try it. If necessary apply often until you are whole. God wants you whole. Press toward the mark of which you are called,forgetting those things that are behind. Step out of the mess. Forgiving helps you more tha t anything. So forgive and live your life. What are you waiting for. do it.

It amazing to me that people will not take free things. This is just what you are doing when you refuse to release this to Jesus. He is the greatest counselor. How many years will you go back to talk about the same thing to a paid counselor. Don't get me wrong I believe in counseling if necessary; but there is a great counselor. He told all to bring your burdens to me and leave them there. He also said come unto me all that are heavy burden and I will give you rest. WOW God will give you rest. He also said take my yoke upon you for my burdens are light. Now, I ask you if He asked you to why are you burden. In Christ Jesus it does not matter about the situation. There is so much hurt and damage given by others (can we be real:molestation,incest,rape,manipulation,cheating,disloyalty,divorce,and so on) How can you handle that. It is hard for us but Jesus can. In fact He already did this.

Here I go reaping this..God gave His only Son for you. He loves you that much. Jesus did all the hard work on the cross. He made it so easy for us just ask. It makes me wonder why someone can not accept a gift that is given to them. It is not true that if it is free it is not good. rubbish. Why work hard? Works can not get it for you. Jesus can. Child get rid of it. I am not slaying that you have to be friends or sit down and eat with them,

I love you and live out loud. Scriptures for forgiveness below: study them do them ,say them and live them,

God is is God. Choose love