Now then after your decision to make God your Father and Jesus the Lord of your life.: where do you go from there. The most important factor to know is , there is more to you that meets the eye. What about you? Everyone should know that they are made with different component. No I am not talking about the configuration or personal features of you. There is more to you being you. This is a very simple lesson in who you are. This will hopeful help you to become the best you that you can be. I know you think that you are all that, but there is more to learn,as you grow to maturity. The spirit and soul lives in the body.
First of all let me tell you that you have three major components. You have a body, soul and spirit. Each of the three parts are needed to fully be alive. I will give you an example: a car can not run without an engine,transmission and has to have a body. This is very similar to how you operate daily, You can not be alive without a body, soul and spirit. Each component is needed for man to survive.These things make you a living man on earth. (unless you are extraterrestial)That could be a whole other fictional story .(Genesis 1)
The body and its function. It is the house that holds the spirit and soul. You need a body to live here. The body is made of dirt and was created to go back to dirt. Look at your body it has a flesh that holds tissue and water.(biology thing) The body could be a problem because it wants to do things its way not God's way. There is a fight between the flesh and the spirit constantly.. The body most learn to be controlled. When a baby learns to walk he needs to learn to control the body . If the body is not controlled, it will be all over the place. This body is at enmity with God. We must according to scripture bring our bodies under subjection to obey the word of God. We do have a helper The Holy Spirit. You should know that your body is as the bible states a temple.(You would not pollut a temple would you)So,take care of your body.1Thessolonia5:23
The body function has five areas to operate:smell,taste,hear,touch and sight. Beware of what you see naturally it is not what God sees. He sees your end to the beginning. Victory....... Change can take place..We can grow. It would be so sad not to grow and never mature. We often see how people grow while listening or watching them.
Jesus was born to bring salvation to man. , He was to be crucified for us to have a relationship with God. He reconcile us to God again.. He is our example. We must learn to control the body and not let it do its thing, We can actually call this the flesh man. If you noticed it must be important because satan constantly attacks. If the body is sick we concentrate on it rather than focus on the word. Sometimes we actually let the body control us. (Romans7:5,7:18,8:3,8:8)Ephesians6:12). This is how you find out what the body is capable of: believe me it will turn on you if you don't speak to the body.
The second part of man is the soul (soul man). The soul has five functions: mind,will,imagination,intellect and emotion. The evil one is constantly trying to do things to make you lose this important factor. Just look at the functions of the soul and can"t you see why. The mind is what keeps us emotionally unbalanced and sick if allowed. God wants you well in your mind. This is the part of man where every thought comes from, rather it be negative,positive or Gods thoughts. The soul has to be trained and renewed constantly. This is why we must read the word,study it and meditate on it. This is where you change all behaviors and know what God's will is for your life.(Joshua 1 tells us to meditate on the word day and night) What does meditate mean: to think about it, recall, say it and believe it. If someone died and left you in their will, wouldn't you want to know what it is. Read the word. That is why it is called the last testament, or last will.
We must learn to cast down thoughts that are not Gods. How do you know God's thoughts: the word of God. Bible. We must train ourselves to think like God. Say what He says. If He say that you are no longer a victim..Then you are not a victim. The word tells you who you are. We must agree with what Gods says not people. Remember it is not how you start but consistency that counts. I like to say just do it. (I want to be like Jesus not mike) Any questions,if so ask me.
The third part of man is the spirit. Yes you are a spirit man. Once you become and accept Jesus the spirit man comes alive. Jesus is therefore residing in you. You have to learn to feed the spirit man what it needs. It needs spiritual food, the word of God. This is important because He needs to grow. It is then your job to feed the spirit.
What are the functions of the spirit man: prayer ,reverence(respect),praise and worship ,hope and live by faith. The spirit man will become sluggish or lazy when not feed properly. You will fill the spirit man urging you to the things that are of God . You will also be reminded of the things that are not Gods will for your life: listen. You are no longer the same. When the spirit man comes along , you are a new fellow..This is where all your past is gone. God has forgotten your pass and blotted it out, remembering it no more. God then places a sign there that says "no fishing". If He does no fishing for your past then neither should you.
Yes, people will see you or hear you and say that is the same person that use to do that and that. This does not even matter because God has told you that all your past is gone, and He is giving you a major make-over and overhaul. Now I ask you who can judge. No one can because they are not God. God is running things and they are not. Now you are an entirely new person. I say like Paul in the New Testament, who are you talking about I have harmed no man. book of Acts,Colossians,Romans,Ephesians,Phillipians (in fact Paul wrote most of the New to love him..the Jesus in him).
So, you must get in the word and stay there. All your past is gone. Nothing can compare to His love for you. What are you waiting for..praise Him for this..Know why you are praising God. He loves for you to praise and worship Him and give Him the glory. You are a spirit man living in a body with a soul.
Now the manual needed is the bible (basic instructions before leaving earth)..God is the manufacturer and you are His product. When you buy electronics from the store it comes with an owner's manual and warranty. The warranty is that you can always return to expiration date. Now this is the time that you start to LIVE OUT LOUD. Love you. Read about you in the you much. It is your or may I correct myself and say " that it is time to do our thing with our God."
Monday, March 9, 2009
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