Thursday, January 29, 2009

Someone Is Looking For You?

Did you know someone desires a relationship with you? He is waiting just longing for you? He even died to have a relationship with you. Now I ask you who would not like to know someone that love you unconditionally. He will even take your mess and forgive you. I myself need someone like that in my life. Why? Because sometimes I am a mess and the bad part about it is I know it. I mess up time and time again and yet He allows me to come back. I pursue Him at times and He pursue me all the time. Even sometimes I say I don't want to be bothered. Don't lie I know you feel the same, cause if you did not you are exceptionally good. I can not say that for myself. That is why I need a relationship with Him because He accepts me. Can you imagine being in a relationship that is excellent and still sometimes you act funny. In case you don't know who I am talking about it is Jesus. Yes sometimes I (Yes me) even act shady toward Him ooh but He loves me. He is always there for me even when I run back to Him during trouble. Now tell me do you have anybody like that? The best way to get a relationship with Him is to admit it, quit it, and get up and do better. I know that I am the ultimate person but sometimes I even mess up?(wow can you imagine that me) The way I figure it is that I may as well come to Him myself and be a stool pigeon, first hand confession is better. Why? Because the accuser, the idiot,the persecutor, the worthless one will try to use it on me and tell his imp. Yes, you may know him as the devil, satan) Many don't believe there is one..But I ask you and present to you the word of God the bible. He Mentions him from the beginning to the end. Why is there trouble?. It wasn't created by God. He is love,love is God. Since He loves me He will not harm me. Why?Because me and Him got a thing going on..RELATIONSHIP...Best for the job of keeping me out of trouble. I repeat I can be a mess. Now how about you. Be honest. The worst thing is to lie to yourself, that is so sad.Would you love to have a love like mine. Then come on and join me, it is not crowded He knows about having lovers. Till later, I got up this morning knowing that everything is alright and wanted to tell you about my relationship with my love. Remember you are loved. Love yourself

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