Have you ever compared any religions to each other? How about comparing Jesus to other figures in other religions? Sometimes you need to find out something about another religion to tell others about Jesus. I have studied world religion and find that there is a great difference in how one defines religion. Throughout all my studying I find that there are rituals to do that will ensure your worthiness. This is a short overview about religion. After the overview I would like you to make a decision or define what religion or religious really means. How does this compare to your belief in Jesus? Is Christianity a religion or is religion bondage that will keep you burden down in the perception that you must work hard in order to achieve eternal life. Do religion oppress people.? This is only a light touch on the subject. Do the study yourself? This will help you to understand and how to witness to others in religion even some churches that have rigorous restrictions that are not scriptural or controversial. Shall we begin. Yes this is long , so get ready, get ready. It takes time to examine religions. This is only a few, there are others.
Tell me what do you call a person that keeps trying the same thing over and over and it still does not work. What do you call a person that changes what they are doing to get something or someone that works?(Smart, that is the answer to this.) Same stuff different day.
First of all lets example Buddhism. Buddhism is not the oldest religion. It started with a disenchanted prince that had the pleasure of all the privileges avail to him as a prince. This prince was well protected and did not have dealings with the outside world. He was only familiar with inside the castle or shall we say castled om. One day he without the doors of the castle and he saw so much despair. He was moved by the tragedy of others . He then reconcile to deny himself of the luxuries of a prince and set out to find out ; why was there so much suffering? His pilgrimage lead him to believe that you must work toward humanity to gain the true riches of eternal life. Sounds like you have to do work and that still may not be enough to guarantee a place of eternity. He name himself Buddha. Buddha was poisoned while having diner with others. He died and never rose again. Now he is followed by millions of others trying to work for eternal life. Doesn't sound like he came back to improve anything. There is still suffer age. You worship a stature which is an idol and chant. You chant all day to hear nothing..Does he answer. Can you talk with the idol. I even notice that fruit is left around this idol to give the harvest. At the end of the day is the fruit gone? It is rotten fruit to put in trash. Will this idol speak to you when you call. This has got to be working for you because you are probably still doing this. Are you? Have you passed out yet from all the chanting. Try again. If it is not working? You probably need to do more work. Maybe change to some one that works.
Second religion we will expand on is Muslims. There are many Muslims today. This religion started out with the idea of Muhammad developing a religion in opposition of the known religion. He said he prayed and his god gave him instructions on what to do. Doing his prayer time he says that god spoke to him and gave him the instruction to take over religion and politics . His strategy that was given to him was to kill those that will not follow him and his way of doing things. He had direct information from his god. If they wanted to fight then they had to die by the sword. He killed many on the understanding that he was not gods son but a messenger from god. He imposed strict rule over others. Do or die. After all he was the messenger in charge. He could have any or many women. All the riches, servants and fear of war. He conquered many other people or townships and set up rule. He died and never rose again from the grave leaving his will in his book to be cared out. Sounds like religion of fear to me. Still today they believe that you do or die. This is why they war so much, if you are not going to be Muslim then you die. World domination of all religions. Doesn't sound like he gives in choices?The reward of a martyr is paradise with over 6 virgins, houses and riches? I have always wondered what do the women get? Do they get virgin men and houses plus a place in paradise? Makes you want to go hum. Also they say that ask you to join them to avoid death. If you don't join them, then total domination of war and death. Total take over. Their goal is total domination of the world. This is worshipping a man. Does he answer or talk to you? Is this a personal relationship? Did he die and rise again and sit at the right hand of the Father? Does he cover you with his blood. Does he love you regardless if your choice is not him. Is this one working for you. Had enough. Do you feel you may have made the wrong choice. Then stop the dance, change partners. Change is good with the right partner. Take Jesus as your partner. Where is the love in this? Love is not taught in this religion, hate fro others that are not muslims. Muslims are always at war. There is never peace because this religion is structured on hate for others.
Now lets discuss Hinduism. This religion has been traced back before Jesus. This is an old religion. You have seen the statures of the hands and etc. They believing in transcending above the mind. They meditate and levitate. They believe in different degrees of meditating the highest degree is nirvana.(I think there was a grudge group by this name . I wonder if they knew what it meant.) Back to the state of nothingness which by the way is the highest state. There are different levels of transcending but the uttermost is the state of nothingness. Not trying to be funny but where do you go from nothingness. Who wants to be nothingness bound. I asked my professor what was the purpose he could not explain. So, maybe you can . Why would I want to be in a state of nothingness. Just transcend out of my body with no where to go but nothingness. Go0 figure. If is you then explain. You know this is what darkness wants you to be in a state of nothingness,to do its thing and plan. Now I ask you again where is this leading to eternal life, I guest to vanish? Read it for yourself. Many have went to this state and are walking around blank. This sounds insane.This also is a statue? an idol. You worship an idol. Does this talk back? Can you have a one on one personal relationship? Can this religion make you whole. Healing(I.m just saying) Is this working for you. Where is the love?
Lets examine the religion of reincarnation. This is the belief that you had a previous life. That you may have been someone else either male or female and you are coming back in another century. In this religion it is how good you are to others that will determine who you will be In the next life. So believe that you may be a fly,, an animal or anything that you have worked to be transformed into a previous lifetime before. They even will not kill a cow to live because it may be a relative. Even in Africa some religions believe that when you die you come back as another person..I was once told that the African was believed to be his grandfather. So he was revered by his kinsman. The reason he was believed to be his grandfather was because he was the first male to be born after grandfather died. So, therefore his grandfather soul returned in him. Imagine that. I want to remind you I am not ridiculing others. Just provoking to compare. Do you have a choice? You come back as another being this sounds like classicism and prejudice.
Where is the love?
Now lets talk about God and His Son Jesus. First of all God was always and will always be. He is the first and the last,the alpha and omega. He is even the center. If you don't believe in creation. Let me ask you where did the grass come from. The trees. The air you breathe. Even where did you and your parents come from. If you believe in evolution. Let me ask you if you derived from ape. Why then are there still apes. When apes have babies how do they look. When a seed is planted what comes up. When a flower is planted what comes up? If you plant an apple seed will a plum come up. If a dog have babies will they be cats or cats be dogs? You get the picture.
Then how is it possible that you came and evolved from an ape? They have been trying to make the ape and monkey talk for years. Scientist have tried to prove evolution, but still can not. Have they yet? They try to teach the ape and monkey through sign language? Is that the only language they can sign? Looks like they can't do that very well. Did you know that an animal listens to the pitch of your voice and follows your hand gestures? So, How is it then that you came from an ape.
Man is so much like God because He made us in his image. God talks and He says your thoughts are not even His thoughts.(Isaiah) He knew you before you were born out of your mothers womb? Then tell me how can you be reincarnated from pass life.(Jeremiah) Who made the sun,moon and stars .I ask you who made the earth and its planets. Seems like somebody did it. There is an ocean, who made it. The whole earth is full of His splendor? In the beginning was the word and God made it flesh.(John. I know that the birth of Jesus may have you confused but read it.? It is in the new testament. and talked about in the old testament. He is talked about from Genesis thru Revelation? He is also talked about now. He was made flesh. That means that Jesus was a baby and grew up. His works is all through the new testament and old testament.
I can talk to Him and have a relationship. He loves me always. He does not hate me. He hates some things I may do but not me. Now, this is love. Its all about love.
God can't lie or die. If he says it,then it will be. He spoke the world into existence. If He say that there is a five legged dog. Look because there will be a five legged dog. When He speaks it can not come back. Golden nugget""""be careful of what you speak out of your mouth. Image of God you are made. If He says it. It will come to pass. He told me to sit down and sup with Him and Hr with me. You must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Yes , this is so personal. Imagine He would have died for me if I was the only human.(loving this) He is so crazy about me. I am the apple of His eye. What about you.? Do you have a relationship with Him? Yes, you need one. Salvation is the beginning. Jump right in. Get yours. There is room for all. Living for Jesus is not a religion, it is called a relationship. So, don't ask me if I am religious. I am not. I just love having a fellowship and relationship with Jesus and therefore I have one with the Father. The only way to a relationship with the Father is thru His Son Jesus. That is the pass word Jesus. Use that name Jesus , He will get you everything. Say it. and use that name. Jesus,Jesus. It is love that took Him to the cross.
. It is even stated that Jesus would carry the world on His shoulders. You can't work for this, you have to accept Him.Can't work or outwork for salvation to guarantee you eternal life or a spot in heaven. No, you have to (believe,confess and receive this) Remember God knows the heart of man. Where can you hide? No where. Jesus was born to die. Why? This is the only way to reconcile man to the father. We use to have to go to the priest and bring a certain amount of animals for an offering for out sins(wrong doing). The better way is Jesus. He is the lamb that was slaughtered for you and me. Wow He died,was buried and rose again? He lives. Ready to live in you. Tell me any other religion where they can testify that they lived and rose again. There is even evidence and facts to prove this. Jesus did have a birth record and a body. Many witness this fact. He will not kill you. (do or die) He will allow you to make the choice. So choose life. . There is an alternative to eternal life. Could it be called eternal damnation? Think about that. Is anything worth your separation from God? You better know there is not. He is available 24/7. That is love.
Read: Book of John (Such love) Book of Galations (will free you from religion)
Now, He sits at the right hand of our Father because God is our Father too, and Jesus is our elder brother. How did this happen? We were adopted. If you are adopted you get the same rights and privilege as a natural born child. You get the same provision and everything else. In fact you have the same covenant(contract and promise) and blessing as His son Jesus has. In fact you have the privilege in using Jesus name. That means it is not forgery to sign His check. He already paid for your healing,sound mind, prosperity and well being. The best is to join Him in eternity. Have the other religions invited you to join them in eternity or live like they do. Do they call you sons and daughters also.? Do they call you their prince? Do they? Then you should choose Jesus. His benefits are out of this world? Hope that you enjoyed this long (yes long comparison of religions? ) He loves you enough to define your choice of living separated from Him? Do you really want to? You have total freedom in Him, not frustration and fear. He will not oppress you either. He is not mad at you. He stands waiting for you. Ready to open the door, but you must ask. He is gentle. He changes not. There is no new plan. Jesus is the plan. A relationship with Him is the one and only Plan. Take the plan of salvation. Come on. Stop wasting time. The time is now. Tomorrow never comes. Why? Because tomorrow becomes yesterday.(Think about it) He is not scared of other religions. He is not even intimidated.
What are you planning to do with the rest of your life? There is no age limit. One restriction and that is to believe. It is not how you start but how you finish. Believe that Jesus was born, died and rose from the dead.
His yoke is easy and burden is light? So don't be fooled by any church or person to tell you "You got to work for your salvation? He loves you. He doesn't want you to worry about anything, He ask you to bring everthing to Him and leave it at His feet. Such love. (as someone once said and is still saying "Don't worry about it cat?) You have to dress like this? You can't wear this and that? If you take on the mind of Christ through the word , you will not want to wear certain things? What do you wear to work? Would you go to work naked? Would you go to work on drugs? Would you even sit any kind of way and through your legs on your work area? Would you come to work when it is closed? Got it. Keep in mind some jobs have a uniform and they tell you how to dress for your own safety ? So, read Gods word He will not condemn you but teach you. No one can be you but you. You are and original. Be the best you . Gods loves you and He made you the way you are. Just remember He loves you to much to let you stay that way. He rules those He loves. Love you. Choose Jesus...Live out loud. He even shall we say rocks!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
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