Rejection is not a good thing. To be unwanted and unloved by another is a terrible thing, if you let it. Did you know that this is a spirit. The same spirit came over Saul,when rejected from being the king? It is hard going from love by all to be loved by few. This spirit opens the door to depression,low self-esteem ,guilt and shame. Don't allow this spirit to attach itself to you. Avoid this feeling at all cost. It is not worth your energy.(Saul the first King of Israel that the people had to have located in old testament was rejected by God. Why was he rejected? He was rejected because he wanted to please the people more than God. Disobedience will get you no where.) They even begged the Lord for this king. They were the only nation without a king. Why? God was their king. But they wanted to be like everyone else..they wanted a king to bow down to. Early time peer pressure. Regrets,Regrets
Yes, sometimes you are hit blind-sided ed by rejection. Can you image that Jesus was rejected by His own people the Jews. (don't get offended we are talking about rejection not a culture of people). Oh,how we may love someone so much,only to find out that they have other motives.
I don't think that people set out to destroy you,but they can. Some of the things that can set up for rejections are broken relationships with others. I have learned that we put people or a person before God. And if we really want to be trueful about the matter God wants to be first. Yet, He allows us to go on and find other loves and lovers, not even thinking of Him.
You are exceptional,if this has not happened to you. It could be a rejection by your parents or parent. Putting others before,He tells you up front that He is a jealous God)Yes ,jealous. It sometimes can be drugs (which we know that can destroy the whole man),husbands (don't ever put them before God),children(we can become obsessed with them day and night)(the little darlings),and even jobs(workaholic). Where does this usually lead to? It leads us to loved the creation not the creator.
When rejection comes we are so hurt? Rejection even comes when nobody hears you,this can make you feel so unimportant. Have you ever had someone to tell or show you that they are completely moving on. What does it feel like? The feel is that of ultimate betrayal. You can take to loneliness, crying and hurt.(to be exact it feels like someone took a knife and stuck it in your heart and twisted it. How you feel that knife and it keeps twisting. What do you do? The best relief is finding out who you are in Christ. You are more than a conquer. You are an over comer. You are the head and not the tail. You chose life and not death. We take our power back and give it to Jesus and not rejection. We learn that He loves us. And will never leave or forsake us. We find out that He is not shame of us. We also learn that we are survivors and greater is He that is us than He that is in the world.
Are you feeling rejected? Where does depression,guilt and shame come from. It comes from not knowing who God made you to be. It comes from knowing God and His will for your life. Generally,some think that God is just waiting to punish you for your wrong. It is believe that He stands with a big stick ready to hit you in the head and destroy you. This is the biggest lie that has been told to us from childhood. Is it any wonder why people are afraid to come to God? Even some religions tell you that if you work hard God will love you. Some even believe if they give up their life and be a Martyn they will get rewards of houses and several virgins in the after life. Still other religions tell you that depending on what you do here will determine how you will come back in next life. What ever your religion of choice is: you have tried the rest,now go for the you thought I was going to say best. God is not intimidated by other religions. He laughs at them.
You get the picture. It is amazing everybody wants something but never want to give anything. Hold it that statement brings on the true meaning of giving something: God gave His only begotten Son to die for our wrong doing or perception of being perfect, so that you could have the right to the tree of life, eternal life. He wants to give it to you now not later: abundant life. He said if yes,if you chose life over death everything is yours. What do you mean by everything? I mean sound mind(don't have to be crazy no more. you know how many crazy folk are out there. You don't have to walk around poor in spirit..depressed unloved; no more. You don't have to be poor no more. Am I talking about money? Well since you mentioned it yes broke,busted and disgusted no more. He will teach you how to earn it and spend it. Yes. Yes. Do you really need 5 pairs of the same shoes in different colors?(I am just saying ,laugh about it.)
I can't throw stones I have did this also.(taken from book of John)
You are so loved, Never rejected. Jesus was rejected as He was on the cross. How you say? Can you imagine the hurt and rejection He felt as His Father could not look at Him anymore because of the darkness that the world had(evilness). Jesus was separated from His Father, He had never been before? He cried out Why have you forsaken me?, Wow this is powerful,but necessary for us. Read Matthews the crucifixion of Jesus. He did it for you , you should know what it is and why. Sometimes you just need to know why anyone would do this for you. This is so personal for me. This is my personal Jesus for me only but you can make Him yours too. I am not a hater.
A lot of our experiences are necessary for us to find out who really loves us more that our parents. I am a parent and grandparent would never give up my miracles for anyone not even you. So, I advise you to get your own relationship going with Jesus, so you would never be left alone without Him.
If you by any chance have been rejected, run to the one that loves you, or run back to the one that loves you. He loves you more than you know. Just feeling the love of Jesus teach many things. He teaches you how to love others. This is the ultimate lesson to learn love. Once you feel that love and really believe that love you will never go back. Get in the word and seek out His love for you. Also you must be able and ready to forgive and let it go. No man has not given up so much that it has not been returned to him by the love experience of Jesus. Go for it.
Entrench yourself in Him. He is the vine you are the branch. Let Him sup with you. Never forget to seek out the purest love ever. Jesus is that purest form of love that you can get. And while you are getting, get understanding. . Read the book of John. It will do you good. Challenge you to read it. If you have go back and read it again) Read the books of Psalms and Proverbs.) Love you. Live out Loud
Thursday, February 19, 2009
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