Why must you get rid of a toxic relationship ? Can you imagine anything so polluted that it just stinks and is No good for you. Well not only is pollution not good for you, but a relationship that has you doubting yourself or not knowing who you
are is not good. You may be thinking it will get better, I can handle it, but can you. Toxic relationships can kill you. Who come to kill and destroy you? Even in the natural we must get the
toxins out of our body and get a cleanse ? Toxic bodies allow diseases to have an opening to enter. Shut the door to toxic relationships, don't give entrance. You have to
detox the whole body can be poison. What is happening to your body,soul,mind and spirit.?
First of all you are putting to much energy in something that is really not worth it? You may say that's a lie I
lovves this relationship. I will make it work out. I am not only talking about marriage,or divorce but friends,family and foes. Suggestion: get marriage christian
counseling(notice it is christian
counseling by the word of
God), Many times people will say that it is you, but what if it is not suppose to fit. Look deep before you leap, if single.Nothing or no one should be that important to you that it will separate you from God. Let's not mention our relationships with things. (yes, I said it things)
How many relationships have you witness where life goes on. Look and you will see that the other party is going on with life. Usually you will never know rather they are happy or not. True happiness that is forever fleeting is a part of life. Did you know that nothing or no one can really make you happy. You are asking someone to be God when you totally depend on them. Are they your God? Just
remember that people change , but God does not. How can anyone make you happy when they are unhappy? Something and somebody is forever changing ,and not being satisfied themselves Because of our human nature we change moment to moment. One day you feel like a nut, the next day you don't.(get it) God will give you joy , Happiness fades but joy does not. Joy is within you. That is why Jesus said that He came to so that you could have abundant life.
What is abundant life? The meaning of abundant life is nothing missing, nothing broken. No matter what it is you can be fulfilled
thru Jesus. In fact we can grow and grow. You always can grow as long as you live. It is not over or finished to Gods says over. How about your relationships (you can have one with money). Who is your master...Is it God,you,others or things.
When things happen then forgive and move on. Did you know that you must be careful who you allow to enter your life. There is a time to be friends and a time to move on. How can who you allow in your life change or make you who you are. One example have you ever been around a negative person. Every time their mouth open there is nothing good. That person can be to fat,to thin, to round. to pretty.to ugly, not happy, broke-not enough money. Everybody has a story which one will you listen too. A relationship can be so negative, there is nothing said good about anything or anyone. This reminds me of chicken Little the sky was always falling. Also, the story of the boy that cried wolf. (You know what I mean)
Do you plan to always feel sorry for yourself or someone that falls down. all the time? When do they get up.? Enough already. No I am not saying you won't fall the bible says a righteous man falls 10 times but he get up. When will we learn that we must help ourselves and be made whole first before others. Many times a person has to have a scape goat, it is always somebody e
lse's fault. Excuses. You can tell them about Jesus, and they always have to tell you about the preacher or the christian people. You may even be negative about some people or religions. That is the problem stop blaming others, what about you. Become the best you, that you can be.You may even
be invited to accept Jesus as your personal savior, always an excuse. What we do is usually use a crutch .is. I'm not ready, I am not good enough, I don't believe in Jesus. Well, when that comes How is life working for you?
Someone may even think that I am having so much trouble, why come to Jesus? Why, because He is the answer. No he did not promise you a rose garden. Get real, we live in a fallen world: it is usually about choice. You are given a choice, you may say I will not choose. Listen up, because you did not choose you have made a choice.
As stated before God has everything you need: from a-z. What is your problem. Where are your toxic materials in your life. Get rid of them, no matter what. Just don't sit there and do nothing. Go to the word and do something. My statement again if you want the same results do the same thing. (I hate to be so blunt but what do you call that person..an oxymoron. Are you one?) I know you are not because you are made in the image of God. You have a mouth to speak,,say no more.I am coming out of this. Tell the toxic relationship: I am coming out. If you want to hang with me change has to happen. Say enough. Run to Jesus . Read the word..Dig for the answer and stand on it. What does stand on it mean? Believe. don't stop. Don't quit till you get your breakthrough.
Sometimes you have to take inventory of yourself, and stop doing some things. If you have to stop being with a toxic person. Stop.. Where do you go? If it is not a positive environment?Stop? what do you talk about? if it is not positive, then stop being negative. The bible even tells you to think on these things: things that are good, just, true and of good report. What report. Suppose a doctor tells you bad news. It is the proof but it is not the true. Did you know that facts change, but the truth does not.Let me prove it to you. A crack head is a crack head as long as he uses crack , right you can even see him with it or find it on him. When you stop using crack and no longer use it. It is over, the person can even lose desire or thirst for crack
thru Jesus. Did not the fact change? He no longer can be called a crack head. You may always call him one but he can tell you that he is a new person in Christ. This would be the truth because once you accept Jesus you are not the same. The process
begins. Day by day a change will come, if you allow it. Let Him do his thing with you, renewing your mind through the word. Change the company you keep. Get around like minded people.Never quit. You then must read the bible to have God's mindset. You are a new person. You can not go back to the same places when you used crack. The person can trade the crack pope into track of Jesus or the Bible. LOVE YOU. LIVE OUT LOUD.